

  • What's an HRM or a fitbit?
  • Okay it's settled I'm gonna start eating them! I guess that does make sense!! I'm just so lost when it comes to this!!!
  • I'm eating the 1200 just didn't know if I also ate the extra 300. Which would give me 1500 calories to consume a day. So yeah I always eat the 1200.
  • Do you drink alot of water? Ive noticed that in the beggining i was really chugging water. (making myself) and I lost weight that way. (Probably just water weight) But since I have stopped making myself drink so much I'm maintaining the weight and not losing anymore. I dropped like 5lbs that first week..
  • I swear I read somewhere that in order to lose you shouldn't eat those calories, then I heard that you do need to, so I'm totally clueless whether to eat them or not. I'm not sure how you lose weight then? :(
  • Thanks for the advice.. it's just so hard to cut the carbs... :( Pasta I'm good with cutting (hardly eat it anyways) I just HATE just about every vegetable there is... *ugh* So what would I eat then? I'm going to look on amazon for a primal book!
  • Thanks ladies! I'm basically going to go by pant size. Heck I didn't even own a scale til 2 weeks ago! Lol. I just read somewhere on here that I should eat over 1200 cals so I wasn't sure. Right now I've been staying right around that.. I think I should eat more of my exercise calories..but I want to lose!! LOL When I'm on…
  • Thanks Everyone! I guess I didn't realize actually how many women this affected! I was fine also all through out high school, got married at 18 started to try for a baby. I put on maybe 5-10lbs for the "honeymoon/just married" phase and it just kept packing on. I've gained almost 60lbs in 5 years and chalked it up to not…
  • Okay I'm gonna send ya a FR. I get my periods, about 3 times a year. I was originallyon Metformin but it made me horribly sick so I was prescribed Glumetza but I haven't been taking it here lately (Just being lazy & down) and I'm pretty sure I'm insulin resistant and was told if I don't change my lifestyle i would become…
  • I'm going to look into her! Thanks! I'm also gonna send ya a FR. I'm new to all of this never thought about what I ate, the amount of anything or even the portion size this is a all new outlook for me!!
  • FR accepted :) And I'm looking for all the motivation I can get and looking to give it out also :)
  • I'm gonna check into that book and I'm sending you a FR :)
  • Hey! I'm suppose to be taking Glumetza but I don't.. I figured once I started to try for a baby again then I would start it back up.. but the more I think about it now, the more I realize it might help me lose some weight :) I'm gonna send you a FR