

  • What are your diet and exercise goals? Perhaps they need to be adjusted to give you time to change and grow, too. I have no idea where you're starting or what your goals are, but if you've been eating junk and not exercising and you set a goal to eat healthy and exercise 5-6x a week - that might be a little lofty... start…
  • Me, too! I started at 276 (this time... my highest weight ever was 289.... lost 80, then gained 67 back) 3 months ago and now I'm about about 244... my goal is 155, so I've still got 90ish to go. Feel free to add me, anyone... there's POWER in numbers!!
  • LOVE this. :) As I've said, I don't eat junk-food (okay, okay... TODAY, I had a bag of Baked Lays - first something like that in 3 months) or drink sodas (never was a big soda drinker)... most my sugar comes from fruit & veggies. I, too, snack on nuts, hummus w/ veggies, string cheese 1-2x a week and fruit... this was my…
  • Thanks everyone... I think I'm doing okay, then. I eat almost no refined sugar/carbs - 90% of my total carbs comes from fruits and veggies. I was just trying to keep under 25-30g INCLUDING F&V and this seemed almost impossible. At the end of a "typical" day, I usually have less than 10g that come from anything OTHER than…
  • I feel like no one has really addressed the issue of "how much sugar should a person have?" I KNOW the difference in natural v. refined... and how our bodies break it down, etc... Maybe there's no "right" answer... I'm just looking for specifics... like "x amount from natural is okay, but keep all other to x or lower."
  • For the record, I don't have any sugar "issues" - just trying to lose weight. I "eat clean" mostly - RARELY have processed sugar/flour products (seriously, less than once a week I'll have half a whole wheat pita or something) and I couldn't tell you the last time I had candy, ice-cream, cake, or even dried fruit (which is…
  • Yes, I have several "lists" that show which fruits to choose, but I have been counting natural sugars in my daily limit. I eat very little processed foods... no bread, an occasional (less than once a week) whole wheat pita... no pasta, no cereal... Perhaps I need to read a little more on this.
  • I've looked on CL... hoping to find something like this. Might work out with another poster on here. :smile:
  • Thanks!
  • Thanks for all your GREAT advice... and I live near a few Universities! I'll be calling tomorrow.
  • Is that anywhere near Atlanta??? I'm going to be going there next week.
  • I definitely see a difference - you should feel good about that! As for why you're not seeing a big weight loss, hard to say... I eat 500 below my TDEE w/ very little exercise (that's about to change) and have been losing an average of 2-3 lbs per week, but I'm very careful about what makes up those calories. I stay under…
  • I would like to join the group, please!
  • I use the Shape kit... it's $99/mo. Not $300/mo. I'm THRILLED to get it for free, but I would GLADLY pay $99 for 60 servings b/c it WORKS. And no one HAS to refer 3 friends... it's just an opportunity they offer as an incentive. Sure, it's a business, so they want more customers, but what is so wrong with that. And it…
  • I love the ViSalus program and I'd love to clear up a couple things some people have said about it: 1) I definitely still EAT. There is no way I could survive on "just shakes." 2) While the shakes themselves are low-cal, the "Challenge" still promotes a healthy caloric intake, so it's not "fair" to say "sure, you lose, but…