

  • I Love Camping and will be going in September again. This past trip, I did well. Here is the best advise. If you can purchase any items before hand, such as Peppers/Celery/Carrots any type of veggies that you can cut up and be ready to eat or use - you will be better off. Lots of folks bring a whole watermelon and the…
  • Sorry, I don't have any pics posted, but I d(id just come off the 40 day diet of the HCG diet. I did the diet through a doctor and found it to be amazing and lost 32 lbs in 40 days. I don't have flab as a result of the quick weight loss -even though I have another 30 lbs to go. The HGC goes after the Bad Fat, The Third…
  • Congratulations! Just to think that you are 19 years old and made a smart move today instead of waiting til your 50 years old. That will surely be a huge impact on your lifestyle and all that you do moving forward. Even at 19 years old - you are huge inspiration to a 51 year old. Thank you.
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