

  • I joined up in September. The accountability factor is great! Helps keep me motivated on those weeks when the pounds don't seem to want to come off. You may friend me if you'd like.:happy:
  • Stay strong and be sure to log everything you put in your mouth and also that you are measuring and not guestimating. Calories are sneaky and everyone that you eat counts against weight loss. If you cheat, you are only cheating yourself. Log everything! I just started a few weeks ago and didn't lose an ounce for about ten…
  • Thanks for all the feedback. It's easy to get discouraged since I've been fighting this battle for almost 15 years. Yes, water is a must for me. I usually drink 10 or more cups a day.anyway. I have been lax in the exercise department. Coming off a year's rehab from Achilles tendon repairs (two of them in 9 months) and my…