First Week

ImagineBC Posts: 4
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
I started MFP jsut last week. I'm happy to say I find it easy to use and am glad to find the calorie intake isn't cutthroat/starvation (which would lead me to binge).

I have a modest goal of losing a pound a week as I have 90 to lose. But I got on the scale today and . . . exactly the same weight as last week! :sad: Is this normal on this program? I've been just a bit under my daily calorie goal for 5 of the 7 days and just a bit over on the other two.

So now I'm wondering - am I ever going to be able to shed these pounds? I really was hoping for some obvious sign that what I was doing was working. Sigh.


  • Don't get discouraged! It can be hard to get going on weight loss, and can be discouraging to see the number stay the same.
    Remember it's not just about your calorie intake, it's about exercising and eating the right things! Also, it's not unusual to get on the scale and over the span of three days see your weight go up or down three times. It's a matter of whether you're bloated, full, retaining water, etc.
    Keep doing what you're doing - you'll get there!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Welcome, and good luck!
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    Yep - don't give up. I initially tried the 1/2 pould a week setting, but no movement there so I went to the 1lb
    Some weeks I'm the same, most weeks there is a loss (even just a small one)
    Only once did it go up (and I have only the eating habits that week to blame!)
    Log everything, there is a whole debate over whether to eat back exercise cals - I do if it is 'proper' exercise (I don't when it is just a walk to the local shop) thats just me though. The unlogged exercise is my margin for error when logging non database foods...
    Keep it up, it takes a few weeks for you to find your own pace.
    I've lost 10lbs so far and I've not been hungry one day!
  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    I'm no expert so you might be doing everything right already... My first thoughts were 1) WATER WATER WATER! 2) Make sure you are filling up on good nutritious foods because we all know that 100 calories in chocolate ice cream or pizza is not the same as 100 calories in fresh veggies and whole grains. And of course, the exercise factor. 3) kick your metabolism in the butt and take walks each day, or even bust out the old treadmill or workout dvd for a little while each night.

    It hard, I can only imagine how frustrated you are. I have always been lucky enough to lose fairly fast... BUT I gain it back quicker! I know how much those things I mentioned (water, good food, and physical activity) can influence me in just a day or 2!

    PS Adding you as a friend!
  • Anweena
    Anweena Posts: 45 Member
    I really doubt that all calories are made the same....... my personal feeling (and I only just started, so don't take too much stock in what I say) is that MFP is a very simplistic tool, but a useful one if you want a round about idea of what you are eating and how many calories that is. If you ate all your calories in cheese and white bread, but were still below on your caloric goal, you wouldn't have any success, for example....
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    I really doubt that all calories are made the same....... my personal feeling (and I only just started, so don't take too much stock in what I say) is that MFP is a very simplistic tool, but a useful one if you want a round about idea of what you are eating and how many calories that is. If you ate all your calories in cheese and white bread, but were still below on your caloric goal, you wouldn't have any success, for example....

    Actually, you would. You can eat your calories in Crisps and Chocolate if you want and you will still lose weight. Mind you, you would feel like crap and your cholesterol would go through the roof. So probably not a good idea.
  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    Log everything, there is a whole debate over whether to eat back exercise cals - I do if it is 'proper' exercise (I don't when it is just a walk to the local shop) thats just me though. The unlogged exercise is my margin for error when logging non database foods...

    I do the same thing. Like, if I put on my trainers and grab my ipod and walk the dog for 30 minutes, I put it in there. If I am just taking the dog around the block to go potty, leave it out. I see lots of people what log everything (10 minutes of light cleaning, 1 hour of cooking) but I only log things that are REAL exercise. The rest is like a little secret safety net!

    With that in mind, I try to keep active even when its not loggable!
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    Don't worry about it, drink alot of water and eat filling veggies! And if you can't do much at this time just try going for a walk, walking is a great way to get started even if you can't go far if it gets your heart rate goin then it's doing something, weigh yourself again in a few more days and I bet you'll see it go down, it took me a little over a week, also I don't have a digital scale and its hard for me to tell if it's moved, if you don't have one either I would suggest getting one so it's more accurate and easier to tell which way its goin. Good luck on your journey to a healthier you, we are all here for you and know you can do it, take a look at the success message board maybe talk to some people on there as well and just looking at the amazing transformations will inspire you to keep going. Add me if you like!
  • Thanks for all the feedback. It's easy to get discouraged since I've been fighting this battle for almost 15 years.

    Yes, water is a must for me. I usually drink 10 or more cups a day.anyway.

    I have been lax in the exercise department. Coming off a year's rehab from Achilles tendon repairs (two of them in 9 months) and my walking habit is broken. Finding it hard to get it back so I will try even harder.

    I only weigh myself once a week so was surprised and disappointed I didn't lose ANYTHING. Unfortunately I can't afford a new digital scale so will continue on with my old analog dial and keep plugging away with it.

    Thanks for the encouragement. An old lady like me needs lots of support! :ohwell:
  • Anweena
    Anweena Posts: 45 Member
    I really doubt that all calories are made the same....... my personal feeling (and I only just started, so don't take too much stock in what I say) is that MFP is a very simplistic tool, but a useful one if you want a round about idea of what you are eating and how many calories that is. If you ate all your calories in cheese and white bread, but were still below on your caloric goal, you wouldn't have any success, for example....

    Actually, you would. You can eat your calories in Crisps and Chocolate if you want and you will still lose weight. Mind you, you would feel like crap and your cholesterol would go through the roof. So probably not a good idea.

    Read Tim Ferris's 4-Hour Body. His science may be bunk, who knows, but he backs it up with studies and by using himself as a guinea pig. One thing that stuck with me was his idea that the way we ascertain caloric values (measured by burning food) is flawed. The body is not just a big furnace that burns things- the bodies digestion process is much more complicated than that- thus, 'calories' is a slightly flawed idea. A useful tool, perhaps, but not exact. Anyway, his ideas were interesting, worth a browse anyway.
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