Artist20 Member


  • Hello Christine :smile: Good to hear how dedicated you are in becoming healthy, I'm a curvy girl too and I've always had a hard time losing weight and keeping it off. Keep up the good work and please feel free to add me! I certainly could use the support as well :happy: Lora
  • Something small preferably with protein in it, so I go with either a banana or a slice of bread with some peanut butter. Quick, easy, and won't make your stomach knot up or feel sick. I've heard both side of working out on an empty stomach and really I think it all comes down to how you feel during it. It's always good to…
  • Biking is always an awesome way to go, as is hiking (especially since you're going camping). Sounds like you're doing some really good changes, keep it up :smile:
  • Feel free to add me as well, congrats on your engagement! I'm starting up again because I really slacked off the last few months and any motivation is welcome :)