

  • I have a 5 month old, and he is my 2nd child. My stomach is GRADUALLY going down, but still have that little "pooch". I just started a Jillian Michaels "Shred it with weights" ... it is a kettlebell workout, and I am almost instantly seeing results on my stomach and arms. You just got to keep at it! Do different things, I…
  • Wow. Such a simple thing, but those are my times for "binge" eating, especially Lonely! If I get bored, and I am at home by myself...I will bash on whatever we have. Thanks for the acronym, maybe I will post in on my fridge :)
  • Hi! I am also new to running...I'm really enjoying it though. I am not training for a specific event, I just used to enjoy running in my younger days and thought that's where I would start on my weight loss journey, plus, I am a mother of 2 and it gets me out of the house for a while for some "Mommy time". haha. I am…
  • I'm in...just seen the 30-day squat challenge on Pinterest and thought it would be good to do, the only exercise I am currently doing is running, so this will be good for my "off" days. :) :)