Megs2063 Member


  • I agree with you on the low fat/nonfat thing. Normally, we buy 2% or whole products, I am finishing up on my 3rd week of this regimen and was thinking of get full fat dairy products on this next grocery run. My belief is they are more wholesome and better for you regardless. The local farmers market just opened up recently…
  • I actually looked at this a little bit ago and forgot about it. I think its time to check it out again. Thanks for the reminder!! And all the variations!
  • I have cut out most grain, I typically only eat grains if I need to fulfill my calorie intake. The carbs are all coming from fruits and veggies, b/c I LOVE them! I have my macros similarly set (I need to double check them though). For your liquid protein, what do you get? I have tried a plethora of different kinds and they…
  • Thanks for all the great tips, I will be trying them out! I appreciate it.
  • What a great website thank you!
  • It's actually liquid broth I used. I usually do get low sodium, but I bought this brand bulk b/c I was going through it so much, and I always water it down. I also, make my own veggie stock or poultry stock and REALLY keep the sodium down, but I had some in the freezer from a few months ago so I had no idea what the sodium…
  • To reiterate other posts, I wouldn't drop any more calories, but change your workout. Try jogging on pavement not a machine it's twice as hard and you burn more calories. If you can't jog due to injuries, etc. a fast walk with hand weights is a great alternative. Find routes with hills to burn more. Also, try a workout DVD…
  • I did it after coming home from a very long vacation and feeling so bloated. Its okay, it definitely left me feeling better, but I only lost water weight, and like the other post was so sick of soup! The good part about it is that you don't fast, you eat eat eat to your hearts desire, but only what they say. I would…