High protein, low carb meal help!!

Megs2063 Posts: 9 Member
Hello all!
I am needing some help fine tuning my diet, meal plans. I am working with a trainer/nutritionist and she just looked over my diary and said she loves what I am eating, however, the combination of food I am eating throughout the day is leaving me with too many carbs per day and too much sodium per day.

I am looking for either a website, or some sort of meal planning helper to help me rearrange my foods to better help me PER DAY. Here are my goals:
1344-1575 calories/day
Less than 100g carbs/day
Less than 2400mg sodium/day
More than 85g protein/ day

My diary is on public so you can check it out, there were 2 weekends that I was a little naughty, please don't comment on those, I was out of town and on vacation, I had fun, and did the best I could under certain circumstances. I like to LIVE sometimes!
Also, I normally pre-plan my day and log it first to see where my day is going nutrient wise, I am trying to get to a point I can pre-plan a week so I can go grocery shopping in advance.

I really don't care for protein shakes, but if I have to I can incorporate into a smoothly (no bananas though, yuck!) and I try to eat as naturally as I can. No prepackaged stuff for the most part and I make my own marinades and stuff. Fresh veggies whenever possible.

Again, I am looking for help to rearrange my foods, use different recipes, or meal planners to help per day! there has to be something out there I can plug in what I need and get ideas out of. Does anyone use things like that? Or know of something that will be useful? I am out of food for the week and need to go shopping and would like to have meals planned for the next 5-7 days and buy accordingly.

Sorry for the long post, tried to get you as many details as possible. Thank you in advance!


  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    I just looked at your diary, very good quite like mine, but i see your get high soduim from the stock cube and cheese. Isnt there a a low soduim version of the stock cube.
  • Philchang
    Philchang Posts: 5
    Your diary looks good. No matter what I do, there is so much sodium in products, even low sodium gives me too much. I generally buy boneless skinless chicken breasts and bake them plain (no seasoning or coating). I look for foods with a low glycemic index keep hunger pangs at bay. I'll have a half of a Quest Bar for a snack, then take the other half in the afternoon before i head to a workout. I've been eating Quinoa on a regular basis. I made some home made filafels that were tasty, filling and very low in carbs and calories. My profiles is here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/Philchang :smile:
  • MissyMissy18
    MissyMissy18 Posts: 315 Member
    If you want an alternative to protein shakes (I find them nasty too), you can do what I do and make your own version with plain, nonfat greek yogurt! Here's what I usually put in mine:

    6 oz. nonfat plain Chobani yogurt
    1/2 cup frozen or fresh mixed berries
    2 Tbsp Flax Seed Meal
    2 Tbsp Bell Plantation PB2 (it's this powdered peanut butter I get at Whole Foods... it sounds terrible, but it adds yummy peanuty flavor with only 1 gram of fat!)

    Comes out to about 29 carbs, 26 protein and only 6 grams of fat (from the flax seed & PB2). Oh, and 10 grams of fiber! Of course you can customize your add ins and do kale or spinach or other fruits.. sometimes I add a splash of OJ or a dash of cinnamon and vanilla extract. Hope this gives you some ideas!
  • Megs2063
    Megs2063 Posts: 9 Member
    It's actually liquid broth I used. I usually do get low sodium, but I bought this brand bulk b/c I was going through it so much, and I always water it down. I also, make my own veggie stock or poultry stock and REALLY keep the sodium down, but I had some in the freezer from a few months ago so I had no idea what the sodium content was, so I went with what was in the database.

    That shake looks good, we don't have a Whole Foods here, but we just got a Trader Joes in, maybe I will try there. I will give the shake a try with some fruits I have on hand.

    Thanks, Philchang, I will check out your diary too. I LOVE qunioa!
  • brownju
    brownju Posts: 24 Member
    Try skinnytaste.com for some great ideas.
  • Megs2063
    Megs2063 Posts: 9 Member
    Try skinnytaste.com for some great ideas.

    What a great website thank you!
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    If you cut back on all grain products, it will be easy to be successful. That's what I did, and if I concentrate on getting in all my protein, the carbs are naturally around 100g on my 1500 calories. I have my macros set at 40/30/30 (Carbs/Fats/Protein)

    To get enough protein, I almost always have to have some sort of liquid supplement, though. I have a hard time getting in my 113g of protein.
  • I've been eating the Dukan Galette to get both more fiber and more protein. It's just an egg white (or two) whipped up till frothy, a couple of tablespoons oat bran and some (maybe a couple tablespoons) fat free greek yogurt. Mix them all together and add stevia (or your sweetener of choice) and cinnamon for a sweet pancake, eat it plain as a bread substitute or add Italian herbs, jalapenos, chopped garlic, etc for a savory one. Then pour in a pan as a pancake, flip, cook other side and serve alone or with some sides or toppings. I really like it!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Steak, eggs and cheese (all kinds, I like variety) are my staples.

    For snacks on the go: Leftover steak, hardbolied eggs and cheese ;)

    I might go nuts and chuck some salad in there too :)

    Talking of nuts ... nuts. Not peanuts though ;)
  • Try clean eating magazine. They have workout tips and a meal plan for two weeks at a time with diet /meal plans included I. About the calorie range you suggested.

  • Megs2063
    Megs2063 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for all the great tips, I will be trying them out! I appreciate it.
  • Megs2063
    Megs2063 Posts: 9 Member
    If you cut back on all grain products, it will be easy to be successful. That's what I did, and if I concentrate on getting in all my protein, the carbs are naturally around 100g on my 1500 calories. I have my macros set at 40/30/30 (Carbs/Fats/Protein)

    To get enough protein, I almost always have to have some sort of liquid supplement, though. I have a hard time getting in my 113g of protein.

    I have cut out most grain, I typically only eat grains if I need to fulfill my calorie intake. The carbs are all coming from fruits and veggies, b/c I LOVE them! I have my macros similarly set (I need to double check them though).

    For your liquid protein, what do you get? I have tried a plethora of different kinds and they all make me feel ill. I was drinking one in the a.m. before my workout, but felt so sick during my workout, I had to switch to peanut butter on half a piece of toast (whole grain, but only half).
  • Megs2063
    Megs2063 Posts: 9 Member
    I've been eating the Dukan Galette to get both more fiber and more protein. It's just an egg white (or two) whipped up till frothy, a couple of tablespoons oat bran and some (maybe a couple tablespoons) fat free greek yogurt. Mix them all together and add stevia (or your sweetener of choice) and cinnamon for a sweet pancake, eat it plain as a bread substitute or add Italian herbs, jalapenos, chopped garlic, etc for a savory one. Then pour in a pan as a pancake, flip, cook other side and serve alone or with some sides or toppings. I really like it!

    I actually looked at this a little bit ago and forgot about it. I think its time to check it out again. Thanks for the reminder!! And all the variations!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    If you cut back on all grain products, it will be easy to be successful. That's what I did, and if I concentrate on getting in all my protein, the carbs are naturally around 100g on my 1500 calories. I have my macros set at 40/30/30 (Carbs/Fats/Protein)

    To get enough protein, I almost always have to have some sort of liquid supplement, though. I have a hard time getting in my 113g of protein.

    I have cut out most grain, I typically only eat grains if I need to fulfill my calorie intake. The carbs are all coming from fruits and veggies, b/c I LOVE them! I have my macros similarly set (I need to double check them though).

    For your liquid protein, what do you get? I have tried a plethora of different kinds and they all make me feel ill. I was drinking one in the a.m. before my workout, but felt so sick during my workout, I had to switch to peanut butter on half a piece of toast (whole grain, but only half).

    Eating grains to fulfil a calorie intake goal is unfortunately going to derail your progress when you are attempting to eat low carb. Stay away from the grains and add more fat to increase your calories. Every gram of fat has more than 2x the calories of carbs, so it won't take much to fill a void.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    After looking at your diary as well I think that you are generally eating pretty well, though I would suggest ditching all the reduced fat yogurt and cheese and going for full fat versions. I'm sure that you'd enjoy the taste more and would also up fat and calorie intake while keeping carbs lower. There are many full fat greek style yogurts available, and they are head and shoulders above the fat free stuff for taste. Generally fat free foods also have sugar added to make up for their lack of taste once you remove the fat.
  • Megs2063
    Megs2063 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with you on the low fat/nonfat thing. Normally, we buy 2% or whole products, I am finishing up on my 3rd week of this regimen and was thinking of get full fat dairy products on this next grocery run. My belief is they are more wholesome and better for you regardless. The local farmers market just opened up recently so I am going down there, I have heard fantastic things about the Hutterites dairy goods. I think you are right it will add more proteins so I don't need to make them up elsewhere. Thank you for the help.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    If you cut back on all grain products, it will be easy to be successful. That's what I did, and if I concentrate on getting in all my protein, the carbs are naturally around 100g on my 1500 calories. I have my macros set at 40/30/30 (Carbs/Fats/Protein)

    To get enough protein, I almost always have to have some sort of liquid supplement, though. I have a hard time getting in my 113g of protein.

    I have cut out most grain, I typically only eat grains if I need to fulfill my calorie intake. The carbs are all coming from fruits and veggies, b/c I LOVE them! I have my macros similarly set (I need to double check them though).

    For your liquid protein, what do you get? I have tried a plethora of different kinds and they all make me feel ill. I was drinking one in the a.m. before my workout, but felt so sick during my workout, I had to switch to peanut butter on half a piece of toast (whole grain, but only half).

    Well, I just use a commercial whey shake. I don't have any problems with nausea, or anything - so for me, any one is fine. You can try mixing milk, yogurt, and adding avocado and a little banana and blend. I really love my avocado smoothie. Sounds weird, but it fits all my macros and I really love it.
  • I had this really nice/easy to make protein shake, which I use.
    It's a little expensive but it's so worth it!
    It's literally the best protein shake i've ever tried! Not only is it low calories but it's super filling!!


    Hope it helps you also!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member

    Check out this site. You can choose food by # of protein, carbs or calories.