

  • Hi, I too have set my day to day stuff as sedentary as i work part time as a cleaner...of holiday villas. Of which i can be cleaning for 5 to 8 hours and, i sweat a lot in that time, especially in the heat of Tenerife - hoovering, mopping, cleaning windows, scrubbing bathrooms and kitchens etc, all top to bottom. So i do…
  • Hiya and welcome. I'm a sort of newbie too. I've lost 5lbs so far, and my fitness pal really makes you think about what you eat. I've tried weight watchers (put 5lb on) and slimming world (didn't lose anything). This is really working for me. I hope you enjoy and wish you every success. Janine x
  • 1. English chips and gravy (typical norherner :o) ) 2. Deep pan pizza with extra cheese 3. Spaghetti Bolognaise with lots and lots of melted cheese on top 4. Cheese and onion pastie 5. Death by Chocolate Cake... My word, that's got my taste buds going ! Think i'd better go and do something to take my mind of it lol xxx
  • Hiya, I'm sorry to hear you are being treated like this. I think the problem is that you are very pretty and they are jealous of your beauty, inside and out. Continue to be the nice person you are. They are the losers, and you are the better person. I hope your situation improves. xxx xxx