

  • Why are you looking for foods low in carbs? Carbs are the first thing your body looks for to use as fuel. Just don't over dose on them.
  • You can do this! Is it easy? No. Try to keep lots of fruit around to snack on. That way, even if you over eat it will be with food that your body will burn off easier than with sweets.
    in on day 2 Comment by dgkoz November 2011
  • Mash them up, put the mashed banana in between 2 graham crackers, put them in a baggie and freeze them. Low cal, high fiber treat.
  • I don't know if it will help you, but I try to have my weekend meals already planned, prepared and ready to just reheat in the microwave. That keeps me from opening cupboards and the refrigerator. That helps me to not be tempted by some of the things I might see in them. Also, I try to keep my hands busy. I do crossword…
  • Make good use of this site to track EVERYTHING you eat. It can be very eye opening when you eat something you think is good for you, only to find out it is high in sugar, calories, sodium or something else. I am 60 and was 95 pounds overweight when I started. I always used the starvation method to try & lose weight. How…