

  • hi guys - I'm a brand new zoner! I have just started training for my first marathon and i'd been recommended this by several running websites to help me a) be able to run so far and b) not wreck my body in the process. I was quite sceptical but I've been reading the book and I've decided to give it a go over the next…
  • Thanks honey :) I've been pointed at a great strength training website (see someone's kind response earlier!) and they've all suggested I do something like that. I am half Italian so I love my carbs and fruit so I may need to start making some tough decisions. Although eating less carbs leaves more for you to eat - I am…
  • Well we've sorted out the adding part - now we just need to sort out the weight part! Lol!!
  • ???? You're gonna have to explain that to me! :-)
  • ???? You're gonna have to explain that to me! :-)
  • Ooh thank you! Will be checking that out this morning. I've upped my daily intake like you suggested - although with New Year and a second Christmas in the way it could be a little tricky to stick to! Hopefully the weight will continue to shift.
  • Well you'll have other birthdays! And think how gorgeous you'll be for them all :) at least the weight coming off slow and steady means it'll stay off. I've done weight watchers and Atkins and harcombe and everything just piled back on. I personally like using calories as it means, like you, I can eat what I like. Sort of…
  • Wow you're already doing so well!!! I'll add you as a friend today - it helps having someone in the same situation I find. A lot of my MFP friends are now maintaining! Which is motivating but also frustrating :) I like the idea of not worrying about the weight coming off and focusing on toning. I work pretty long hours…
  • Thanks for this!! I have never done strength training - unless you count carrying shopping bags ;) I don't get why I need to eat more - but having never got this far before I'm going to trust you on this one! I'll have a look as I think I'm currently at a kilo a week (which is 2lbs in old money) so I might up it as you…
  • Thanks for the advice! Well I think that's a great target, sort of where I'd like to be come March! If you'd like some mutual support, feel free to add me as a friend - I'm sure sharing the ups, downs and frustrations will help!
  • Morning Shredders! Well I managed L1D9 today - feeling like its actually achievable now....although dreading L2 which is looming! I won't be shredding tomorrow as we're off to Hereford for the food festival (must not eat too much, note to self) but I will when I get back on Sunday and then L2 starts Monday! ARGH!!!! I am…
  • Well done!! Thats incredible - good for you :) It does get easier - I didn't feel as if I could do it without dying until yesterday so you're nearly there!
  • Thats great news! I'm not sure I'd shred after a root canal.....but if you feel up to it, give it a go! :smile: And well done for 3lbs lost!!! Great work!!!
  • Hello Everyone! Well I managed L1D7 today - not sore and feeling quite good! Was very chuffed until I realised L2 was luking 4 days in my future. So I'm going to enjoy these next few days of smugly telling Jillian I can take anything she can throw at me, before she destroys me on Sunday! I'm starting my Zumba DVD's this…
  • Just be careful guys - I've tried not eating all my cals and my body drops headlong into starvation mode so you stop losing weight. I've had fainting spells and all sorts from not eating all my exercise cals, so just keep an eye on it - it might not hit you the first day but it can be a shock to pass out at work a week…
  • The soreness does go - I promise! I managed L1D7 today and I'm not sore at all - so I'll enjoy this feeling for the next couple of days before she kills me in L2! LOL!
  • That's so awesome you didn't have to take any breaks! Keep going - you're doing really well.
  • Well done you for talking yourself back into doing it!!! I found it a struggle to get out of my nice warm thickly duveted bed this morning. But a small cat leaping on your chest and miaowing in your face works wonders for getting you moving :laugh:
  • I felt the same - I still can't do a full set of "grown up" pushups, but I'm able to do a little more each day! I started trying on Day 4 and (only being on D6!) I can now do 6 grown up ones before going back to my knees. The soreness does start to go - it doesn't feel like it, but it does :wink: keep going - you CAN do it!
  • Ok - managed to haul my butt out of bed and do L1D6 this morning! Always tough at 05:30am with the rain pelting down outside :) Getting nervous about heading to L2 - although everything apart from the pushups is starting to feel a lot easier..... Debating ordering some Zumba DVD's for evenings when I get home!
  • Hi Gang! I'm up to L1D5 but have had to take a day off due to illness :( I'm loving it though - and having been to the doctor today and found out that I need to lose MORE weight, I'm even more committed! I was aiming for 154 lbs and I'm now aiming for 147lbs. It's doable, I'm not getting discouraged! My aim is to lose…
  • a1rose - Good for you! I think the hardest part is getting the DVD on and doing it....although I did at times want to thump Jillian :) keep it up - I've been told it does get easier (although my bum and inner thighs don't think so today!)
  • Hi Guys! Count me in - I started yesterday and also did one today before work which was a shock to the system! Given how sore I am and how I've only just discovered I apparently have thigh muscles :laugh: , having some support and motivation would be awesome! Melanie :)
  • Well done you! :happy: My DVD is on order so I'll join in once I've got it sorted! Is it worth setting up like a database for us all to log results and stuff? Then we can sign in and set daily challenges etc - not sure if the moderators can help us?
  • Hi There, I'm keen to do it, although I really am not sure what it's all about! I'm going to check out the DVD and stuff though - I tend to do swimming mostly but I apparently need to do some strength training so I'm thinking this might be a goer! So yeah - count me in! Melanie…
  • Hi There, Did you eat all your calories? Even the ones you burned? I'm only asking because I'm in a similar situation - only it was this week I didn't lose any weight (I actually gained a bit) despite swimming hard out every day, walking places and everything. I didn't eat all my calories though - I came in about 200 under…
  • Hi There! Wow - you are such an inspiration! Coming through what you've been through and wanting to move through this - thats incredible. There's no real secret to self motivation - you have to find something which works for you. This is scary and terrifying - I spent years refusing to even own a pair of scales! But you've…