sld_6001 Member


  • Ran my first 5K this past April and did it in 29min 44sec. Goal was to be under 30mins so YAY ME! Second race schedued for December 1st. So lets see if I can beat me time.
  • I am running my first 5K (and race) ever this Sunday. I am hoping to come in just around 30minutes, I guess we will have to wait and see. Good luck to you!
  • Started Jan 2011 and to date have lost 51 pounds, so in 16 months. Hoping to lose another 30ish by April 2013 when I am going to Hawaii!
  • Hey I am not a lumberjack, or a fur trader. I don't live in an igloo, or eat blubber, or own a dogsled, and I don't know Jimmy, Suzy, or Sally from Canada, although I am certain they are really, really nice. I have a Prime Minister, not a President I speak English and French, not American I pronounce it "About" not "a…
  • I've lost 50 pounds in just over a year, and the first 20-25lbs nobody really noticed (just my mum, my best friend, and my boyfriend) but now at the 50 pound mark I get tons of compliments/remarks from everybody! It is a great motivator but kind of weird feeling at the same time! I started at 239 and am now 188 and 5'6",…
  • Preggo! If someone is having a baby, that does not turn them into spaghetti sauce!
  • Most definitely The Hills Have Eyes! I could not get past the rape scene, I actually had to turn the movie off and watch a chick-flick (romantic comedy) before I went to bed so I wouldn't be thinking about it all night. I don't think I was exactly scared, but more like seriously disturbed! Because mostly the 'scary/horror'…
  • Hi there, I am 5'6" and 23 years old. I started at 239 and lost 26 lbs on my own and 20 here on MFP. I am current 193lbs. My ultimate goal is 145, but I am pretty sure I would be happy around 160. As I have never been either of those weight I will have to wait and see til I get there. Feel free to add me. The more the…
  • For a few reasons: -- I am Maid of Honour in my best friends wedding (August 11,2012) and want to look awesome in the pictures - also are dresses are supposed to be in this month (ordered in Juy) and I am hoping they need to take it in ALOT - LOL!! -- I am going to Hawaii in the spring of 2013 and would LOVE to be able to…
  • We are close... HW - 239 CW - 197 GW - 145-150ish Height - 5'6" Age - 23
  • Both names are fine by me, but kinda partial to Blueya! The challenges sound good except for a couple, like playing with the kids as I have no kids. And my workouts usually consist of classes, so the 15k might be an issue. Will try to think of some more
    in Blue Comment by sld_6001 December 2011
  • Grease and Pirates of the Caribbean (Why is the Rum gone!? -- haha LOVE IT)
  • What up Blue Team!! I'm Sam from Winnipeg, Manitoba and I can't wait to get this challenge started! This is also my first challenge so I hope that it keeps me more accountable, cause I have been slipping a bit this past couple weeks. We are in it to win it!!
    in Blue Comment by sld_6001 December 2011
  • Hi there, my name is Sam and I am 23. I have been losing weight for about a year, have lost 35 lbs so far - 9 lbs here on MFP! And have about 60 more to go. I am workout buddies with my BFF and she wants to get my into a bikini! Definitely not there yet, but hopefully with this challenge I could be by summer!! Also her…
  • I borrowed this DVD from a friend but haven't started it yet. I have heard and seen (on MFP) some crazy awesome results and now seeing yours and you have a similar body type to me as well. I definitely need to get started on this! Hopefully will have similar results to you to start off the new year right!! :) Congrats on…
  • bump- guarenteed will need this
  • I have been 16/18 for a loooong time. I am currently a 14, but have been a 12 (briefly). Would like to be a solid 10, but we will see when I get there.
  • In high school, a bunch of kids and I were playing with a hacky sack and if you let it hit the ground then you got the hacky sack thrown at you. I dropped it so I went over to the wall and turned my back to let a kid throw it at me (I know totally stupid game right). And the guy who was going to throw it at me said "It…
  • i would very much like to join. i have filled in the google form.
  • i think white potatoes and white rice are worse because they are "simple" carbs. They have no nutrients compared to "complex" carbs. Multi-grain and whole wheat and such for bread and pasta contain more nutrientional value, the calories might be similar per serving but you are acutally getting more value with eating them.…
  • i usually work out in the evenings before supper/dinner but when i do work out in the morning i always grab a little something to eat before i head to the gym. so about 30mins prior to working out, i have about 100-150 calorie snack.
  • I have done this so many times, falling off the wagon and getting back on. You are always so gung-ho to start and you do everything a little TOO right, too many gym days, too much telling yourself not to eat that. And you get discouraged. I have taken a different approach this time (the right appraoch). I am trying to get…
  • Sam advice as the others. Burn more calories prior to drinking so you don't go over your limit and feel guilty. And use a diet mixer or crystal light as others are suggesting (super good). Most of the calories when you drink are from the mix.
  • Love your reply! You are totally right!
  • My goal weight is because like lots of others here, it is the middle of my healthy BMI. I have no idea if it is possible cause honestly I don't think I ever weighed that amount.
  • My goal right now is set to be 145lbs. I am currently 213 and have no idea what I would look like at a so called "normal" weight. I naturally have a large rib cage so I am not sure if 145 is realistic for my body type. But we will see when I get closer