

  • I seriously LOVE how many people are watching Friends! Jealous! I hear all the swift steps of people leaving the office (almost 5:00!)
  • If I go a long time without drinking soda, I feel awful after having one! Doesn't matter what kind, I feel like absolute garbage. Actually, it's a blessing because I used to drink a TON of soda... and this keeps me from drinking it.
  • I personally LOVE the p90x ab ripper. It's only 15 minutes and I do it after my cardio workouts. I have lost 2 inches in my waist so far... and I'm a mama too :) I've accepted the fact that I'll probably always be "lumpy and bumpy" in that area, but the less that you can see through clothing, the better. Plus, core strenth…
  • face and chest Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • At least $10k/year more. It's frustrating when you work in an industry (banking) that encourages you to have a college degree, and own a home, and SAVE, but fails to pay you enough to pay your student loans, your mortgage, and childcare... and have anything left to spare.
  • 2 words: CONTROL ISSUES. He's insecure because he can't control anything that you're doing. A person in a relationship should never ASSUME the other is out partying, cheating, etc... that's terrible, and he will probably never change. And, so what if you're out? You have a life outside of your relationship, and it's…
  • Personally, people's reactions mean way more to me than the scale does. Yes, it is a means of measuring your progress, but there are other means as well. Measure your waist or your hips. Count the number of pant sizes you lose. Don't get caught up on the number on the scale.... It's just a number.