General Advice

I upped my exercise to 5 days a week from 3. This is now my 3rd week, and diet wise I think I've been doing really well. However I've not lost anything, and it making me grumpy as.

I've been taking notice of cals eaten, but I feel that mfp cals burned is high, so I've been setting myself to eat around the 1500 mark and keep the exercise cals as burned - not eat them so to speak.

I don't drink a great deal of water, so thinking I should possible up that?!?!? Mind you I do eat lots of homemade soups, so I do get water in lots of my meals.

My husband is telling me its fat turning into muscle but I think that is too soon. My body does feel like its changing shape wise. I'm gonna measure my stats at the end of week 3 and see what differences have occured.

I don't think I can cut anymore diet wise out of my day, I'm exercising 5 days a week, I really am scratching my head here wondering where I'm going wrong.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Also if anyone can look at my food diary. I'm noticing that most days my amt of fat is very low, should I be upping that with all the good fats?




  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    Have you taken before pictures? If not, you should, and in a few weeks take another set! You'll see the difference. Also, IDK how old you are, but I've heard time and time again that once you reach 35+ it's harder to lose weight. If the 1500 isn't doing it for you, have you tried 1200? 1200 is what I'm set at, and if you eat the right foods (i.e. lots of veggies for snacks) you'd be surprised how full you are!

    Good luck!!
  • cherryz
    cherryz Posts: 11
    Yeah I took before pictures, I'll take the after pics at the end of this week. I do feel like I'm seeing shape, people are complimenting me saying I've lost a lot of weight.

    I am 39 and yes I've noticed a huge difference in the rate at which I lose weight now. I feel like I'm obsessing, I don't want to become a slave to the scales, but every morning without fail I'm checking. Urgh!

    1200 will be tough, esp at the weekends, but I can make the leap if I think this isn't working out for me.


  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    I thought 1200 was stupid also, until I started watching it. Now, that said, Saturdays are my free days, and Sundays are my "well I COULD have this if I run an extra 10 minutes" day. I would go ahead and take the pictures now, or if you want to wait, that's fine, but look and see if YOU see a difference :)
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    My advice would be to try and hit your protein goal everyday. Add in Greek yogurt, light cheeses, almonds, eggs, peanut butter, etc. Also, try and get in your 8 cups of water each day, especially if you are working out so hard. Your body is retaining water because of your workouts so make sure to fuel your body with more to flush it out (if that makes sense). Remember to NET at least 1200 calories each day. And lastly, I'd suggest getting a HRM (heart rate monitor) so you can accurately count your calories's the best $60 I've ever spent! :smile: But overall you are doing great based on your diary so just give it time.
  • Good luck!! I stay with my 1200 cal and it is easier than I thought! I do try to error on the side of extra protein! So far I am losing about 2.5 lbs a week! You can do this I hope I start to change shape soon!!
  • PagalM
    PagalM Posts: 19
    38 here and boy does is suck having a slower metabolism to lose weight! I am also exercising at least 5 times a week for the past 15 days now and sticking to my calorie range that mfp gives me and have only lost 3 pounds. Remember slow and steady weight loss is always best to keep it off! Fast loss usually results in fast gain! Keep at it and you will see the results. Even though it's only 3 pounds I know I am losing inches becasue I had to put my jeans in the dryer this past weekend to shrink them when before I would cringe and squeeze myself into them if my husband put them in the dryer by mistake! ;)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Get out a tape measure and record the size of your chest, waist, hips, thighs, inner thighs and calves. I know you'll see a difference even if you weigh the same or even more! You're building muscle weight! I'm walking 1,000 miles this year for a charity. I started dec. 24th and it took 3 WEEKS before I lost any weight. It's coming off slowly but I've now lost 6lbs and I can tell I've toned up some. Also, try not to weigh yourself too often. I've found that if I gain 1 or 2 lbs of water weight, I get discouraged. Weigh yourself once a week and keep it in your mind that your 'weigh in' is coming up and you want results. Keep up the good work! You're doing awesome. :)
  • Personally, people's reactions mean way more to me than the scale does. Yes, it is a means of measuring your progress, but there are other means as well. Measure your waist or your hips. Count the number of pant sizes you lose. Don't get caught up on the number on the scale.... It's just a number.