zero200196 Member


  • One day rest in between muscle group workouts, body needs 1 day rest. Protein intake directly after workouts improves muscle recovery immensely. If you went extra hardcore and are still new-ish then could take 1.5 days. Otherwise "Pain is weakness leaving the body" unless its like serious acute pain, in which case need to…
  • I've been in that cycle my entire life until about 2 months ago. Weight loss is small changes in routine and diet. The key is discipline, you must stick to what you set for at least 95% of the time. You can sometimes go on that binge , that midnight feast but the next day needs to go back to normal. Not that mentality that…
  • Dropped myself from my social basketball team due to being overweight for the last 2 seasons and am forcing myself to work myself back into the team.
  • Best advice for a new gym user is walk through the door or the "show up" rule. Most new users are intimidated when they go to the gym for various reasons, eg. being out of shape, not lifting enough, not being on a machine for adequate time etc etc. When you sign up they will most likely walk you through the gym and how to…
  • I just google this article might be useful. 14 is great. Keep it up, don't be embarrassed you've done so well already and everyone is at the gym to get in shape/stay in shape no one judges you but yourself. Carry on your momentum, good…
  • Been eating well since September, two junk food incidents have resulted in an upset stomach and throwing up. Feels good and bad at the same time but I know its great news down the stretch.