
  • Hi. I have definately heard of cortisol and it's effects, but I didn't know there was a test for it that would indicate the levels......interesting :smile: . I know there are a number of diets and diet products that claim to target cortisol levels, but as far as effectiveness, I have no idea. Sorry I am not any more…
  • Hi! I wouldn't worry too much yet. I know my Mom took about a month before she started seeing any progress and then it just started dropping of like crazy. The body sometimes has a mind of it's own. I am fighting a plateau too at the moment, but I believe the key is persistence. Hang in there and you will see results!
  • Thank you all so very much for the warm welcome! I am excited to have found such an awesome place!
  • Hi everyone! I have been lurking and reading boards for a few days until I was REALLY ready to get started. I have been trying to battle these last 12 pounds since the beginning of the year. I lost about 35 pounds in the last couple of years and it has been really slow going. I quit smoking and drinking earlier in the year…