high cortisol levels

Hi Im a fitness enthusiasts and have just been told by dr. that my cortisol "STRESS" levels were high. This is why all my hard work in gym is not showing up on my body. Anyone have similiar story to share and if so have u seen any results?


  • gege
    gege Posts: 4
    Hi Im a fitness enthusiasts and have just been told by dr. that my cortisol "STRESS" levels were high. This is why all my hard work in gym is not showing up on my body. Anyone have similiar story to share and if so have u seen any results?
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I have had my Dr. tell me I need to reduce my stress after looking at my lab results but never specified my cortisol levels. I'll have to remember to ask him next time. Thanks.

    PS Did your Dr. tell you what to do about it. I know the diet pills Relecor is supposed to help with it.
  • Coach2010
    Wow! I've made a note to check on this Cortisol, as I don't know it or it's effects. I can, however, relate to stress.

    My Dr. asked me to exercise more, but less strenuously (i.e. Yoga, Walking (knee problems), and less heavy lifting). Also, I'm to cut down/out caffeine (my dentist surprised me when he informed me that all soda, including diet, is sheer badness for teeth) and to drink chamomile tea. Dr. also requested I lose weight, hence my joining this forum as I need support and motivation from others (I'm discovering ;-)

    By the by, I've also noticed reduction in stress by my eating more veggies and fruits, and less beef.

    Peace to you as you take the life step-by-step in reducing stress. :happy:
    Hi. I have definately heard of cortisol and it's effects, but I didn't know there was a test for it that would indicate the levels......interesting :smile: . I know there are a number of diets and diet products that claim to target cortisol levels, but as far as effectiveness, I have no idea. Sorry I am not any more help....
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I just learnt about cortisol levels during my body composition last week.

    I didn't realize you can have it check by your doctor. Thank you for your post. :flowerforyou: