

  • Have you tried switching the time of day you do your workout? I am finding the more I continue on the weight loss journey the more my friends are dropping out of the race. It was four of us in the beginning now it's down to two that are committed to losing weight. Ask your family and friends to join you be creative you are…
  • I think you are doing great losing weight just stay on your path. You have worked hard and if you feel good and your doctor doesnt advise you differently go for it. Good luck with your future weight loss.
  • I find support in reading the message boards. Some people provide pics or they exercise in groups just hang on I am hoping it will get better.
  • I agree with your post the calorie part doesnt seem that bad. I think if you can slowly find ways to add exercise to your day. I now park across the parking lot each day. I think reading the blogs will motivate you sooo many people on this site.. They cheer you on when you have maked progress and help get you back on track…
  • I have a question from a friend of mine. we started walking for six days and she has gained weight exactly 2 pds??? I have maintained more or less up and down the same pound..Just curious what you have done to be so successful up until now....
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