SilleSix Member


  • Returning after a couple of years break. Lost 60 lbs the first time but put 20 back on. I'm here to take it back off plus some more. Looking for friend
  • I started this several years ago and took off 60+ lbs! It's the best program ever! I kept it off for a long time. Then my Dad passed away and old habits crept back into my life. I've put weight back on and I decided it was time to return and kick it into gear. However most of my support friends seem to be gone. Looking for…
  • It's a great program, I love it! I love how easy it is to use and how easy it is to count calories. Welcome to MFP, if you need a friend please feel free to add me.
  • Any goal is possible if you want it bad enough! Please add me as a friend :o)
  • Hi Ladies, I'm a 49 year old mom of 6 as well. I would love to be added as well. I check on my iphone several times a day. I've been quite successful on this program and I still moving forwards. I've had great support from two young nieces. I would love to interact with some women of similar age. :o) No offence intended.