

  • I am starting Piyo tomorrow. Can I still join? Age 43 Weight 160 Goal weight 135 Biggest struggle - my diet. I tend to fall off the wagon a lot. I feel I'm in pretty good shape but since turning 40 I struggle with the same 15 or 20 lbs.
  • Yay you!! I just started Ripped in 30 on Monday so seeing your results really gives me motivation to stick with Jillian!! You did an awesome job!
  • Hey kids! Am I too late to get in on the RI30 discussion? I'm on day 3 today, week 1, and I'm already very sore. I completed P90X a couple of years ago which gave me awesome results but spending 90 minutes a day working out just wasn't practical for me for the long term, so I love the fact that this DVD is only 23 minutes…
  • I like almonds, fruit, hummus and veggies. Also the laughing cow cheese wedges with a few Kashi crackers makes a good snack. I recently discovered FiberOne Brownies and they are soooo good and only 90 calories with 5 g of fiber. Brownies always help my stress, LOL!
  • Hi Michelle. Congratulations on quitting smoking! I think it's one of the hardest things to do for sure. If you can do that, you can do pretty much anything! Feel free to friend me. Good luck and keep up the great work! Tammy
  • I'm in. Just got back to business here on MFP so this is a good way to start back!
  • Thank you!
  • That sounds yummy! I think I'll try that.
  • Just checking in with a weigh-in. Lost a pound this last week, yeah! Looks like everyone is doing great as usual. Go August Group! Just 13 days left, we can do this! Tattoodfreek – to lose 8 pounds and HIT GOAL WEIGHT!! – down 3 = 5 remaining Tiarapants - to lose 7 pounds (starting 173) – down 5 = 2 remaining Cnbethea – to…
  • Hey everyone, just checking in. Wasn't going to officially "weigh in" until Friday, but curiosity got the better of me. Down 1 whole pound, yeah! Everyone is doing great! Keep up the good work! Tattoodfreek – to lose 8 pounds and HIT GOAL WEIGHT!! - down 2.6 pounds = 5.4 remaining Tiarapants - to lose 7 pounds (starting…
  • Hey Kids! It's great to be back. I was away from my computer for 4 days so I didn't get a chance to post my total loss for July. I lost 9 pounds! I did have a rocky weekend though consisting of a seafood buffet on Saturday and a pizza buffet last night. No more buffets for me for a while. This was kind of my mini-vacation…
  • Wow! What a difference, you look great! Keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
  • Being a Coke Zero lover myself, that's definitely a huge accomplisment! Way to go!!
  • I remember reading once somewhere that if it's above the head you are good to go, below the head take it easy. So as long as you feel okay I think you could safely run.
  • Welcome! Sounds like you have a very smart husband. You can do this! Diet and exercise is the way to go. It's all calories in and calories out. You can find great advice here on nutrition, exercise, and you get motivation and support whenever you need it! I know you'll do great! Good luck on your goals!
  • Well, I weighed in this morning and lost 1 pound. Not sure if I'll make it to my new goal as I would have to lose 3 pounds in the next 9 days, pretty tough. But that's okay, I'm happy with the pound. I know I've been staying on track, and I've added a couple of weight workouts this week so that could be why I didn't lose…
  • I didn't notice this post unti this morning and I'd love to join and discuss training with everyone. My hubby and I start our HM training on July 27th. This will be our 3rd Half Marathon, and I'm hoping to do a lot better than last year. I look forward to reading about everyone's training and all the ups and downs that…
  • Happy Saturday Everybody! I apologize for not posting very much. I haven't had a lot of time to read up on the earlier posts, but in looking at all the "down" numbers posted below it seems everyone is doing great. Was there any doubt! LOL! I just wanted to update everyone on my July results so far. I have lost 7 pounds! I…
  • I keep my caps in the freezer. I've never had that problem since freezing them. It really works!
  • Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
    in Yay me!! Comment by roadchic18 July 2010
  • Welcome! You are so not alone, and you can so do it! There is so much support and motivation on this site. It sounds like you are a busy mom and need to find some time to focus on you. I wish you the best of luck! Sent you a friend request as well.
  • I do live on the SE coast so at least this gives me a good excuse to go to the beach more often, LOL! I have been prescribed 50,000 IU from my doctor to take on some kind of a taper I think. I will also be sure to eat more salmon, my husband will not be happy about this but I love salmon. I plan on doing my bicycling…
  • IThanks Sunnysmile. This would actually explain a lot of things for me. I live 5 miles from the ocean in SE North Carolina so we have sun pretty much every day, but my mom has skin cancer so I'm a little sun scared if you will. Plus at 39 I worry about wrinkles so I stay out of the sun for the most part. Thanks for the…
  • Hey there July people! I've actually lost a couple of pounds so far this month, 2 down and 4 to go, yeah!! I just found out yesterday that I am vitamin D deficient have to take a Rx from my doctor, and since I've learned that could be causing a lot of my joint pains (my ankles maybe??), my daily severe fatigue, and a host…
  • Thanks Arielle 0489. I've been suffering with dry patches on my scalp for since last fall (absolutely drives me crazy) and also have been getting some spots on my forearms a couple of times, always the same place, and on my hips for the last 4 or 5 months. So that could explain a lot for me. Thanks so much for the info!
  • Welcome TaraArriola and TerraEarth! You should definitely find help here at MFP. There's tons of tips, ideas, support, and motivation to help you reach your goals! Good luck to both of you. Happy 4th!!
  • Way to go! My hubby and I both started with C25K and now we run half marathons! It's an awesome program.
  • Welcome! I completely understand your situation. I am married to a truck driver, he's been driving for 23 years now. He lost over 70 pounds and has kept it off for the past 5 years! He has a fridge in his truck so he could take healthy foods on the road with him. When he was forced to eat in a truck stop, he would stick to…
  • Hey everyone, I would like to come back for July as well. Didn't do that great in June. I injured my ankles and had to stop the Insanity program. I almost gave up but I've decided to get back on the horse (or bike, lol). For now I will bike for cardio and hopefully can work back into running this month. I wish you all…