peart47 Member


  • Most doctors would disagree with me, but I've always thought that my body craves things for a reason. Sometimes my body says NO if I look at meat, and at times I only eat fruit because it's all I crave. If it's Ho-ho's then it's probably not a natural craving (darn those chemicals and high fructose corn syrup!) but you're…
  • Congratulations on making the choice to become a healthier you! This site is great and people are so helpful in the forums. There is even a iPhone app! :smile:
  • That's awesome! You go gurl!!!! Next time wink at him and see if he turns red...:wink:
  • I actually have relatives in Gurnee so lunch or something would not be a problem for me. Maybe we should get together for lunch one day and if we'd like to meet again, maybe come up with some ideas on what to do (ie: lunch, hiking, indoor mountain climbing, ect...). Does this sound like something you guys would be…
  • Awesome! Do you have any ideas on what to do? I recently walked around Brookfield zoo with another Pal and had a great time so the zoo is always an idea. Maybe something that's kid friendly?
  • Don't worry about it. It's always tough in the beginning. There are plenty of fitness shows in the TV or internet (I use and look for a 20 min fitness show to do sometimes) if you need to work off a few of those calories inside. That you have decided to do this and are conscious of what you're eating is the…
  • I take the Vitalizer with Iron from Shaklee. All six pills come in a little pack that you grab each day. They have vitamins, minerals, omega's, and probiotics in them. I also take their mood lift supplement which I can say really works for me. I like their products alot.
  • Congratulations on losing an inch!!!!! You are on the right track. Sometimes it just takes a little while for your body to adjust to the new things you are doing to it. The pound probably is the new muscle you sweated your butt off to get. Don't worry, you are doing great. Keep up the good work, keep working out and eating…
  • Sometimes it helps fill me up when I drink carbonated (flavored and zero calorie) water with my last meal. I also had a odwala (sp) super protein drink today around 4pm and I'm still not hungry at 7pm. Granted, that's only 3 hours but I feel full. Sometimes I eat half a banana at bedtime. Just saying. Good luck!
  • I downloaded the MFP app for my phone and that's helped a lot! I think planning is the key here. I always plan out and, if I can, pre-measure my meals ahead of time. If I'm not able to put a meal into a serving size tupperware, I figure out what the calorie count is going to be ahead of time, so that when I make it, I…
  • I totally agree with sandara, a small cooler in the front seat or even a large cooler packed with lots of good stuff would work. There are tons of recipes out there for 'cool' food. Fruits are 'pre-packaged' already and are a great choice.
  • It's not just the cream and the sugar, most fast food ice cream's main ingredient is pig fat.... How's that for gross. After I saw that little fact, I refuse to eat any ice cream except from my own maker.
  • Congratulations! On both fronts! That baby will be up and running around in no time! Think of how many calories you'll burn then! LOL Happy Mother's Day! to amk44 - Illinois MFP Chapter! Me too! If you live in the north end of the state you can come hug my kid anytime you want!
  • I looked this up on the internet and found these pages: I think the most important thing to do is to find the right doctor, keeping going to doctors until you find the right one. It seems like in all the articles, people took…
    in sleep-eating Comment by peart47 May 2010
  • Maybe suggest that you would like to cook them a meal (healthy of course though they don't have to know that) and ask them if they will pick up the ingredients or see if you can go with them. There are some great recipes on and they all have nutritional info with them. Hang in there kid! Keep logging your…
  • This app has nutrition breakdowns of national restaurants so it's not really an 'eat this way kind of thing'. Thanks for commenting!
  • I really like that you can order the list by calorie or sodium, among other thins. But yes, you are correct. At least I don't feel so lost now when I go out to eat.
  • If you plug in 'eat this' into the search bar, it pulls up the app and the game.'s 9pm and I've just tried to look it up on my phone and it's not coming up. Try it tomorrow maybe...?
  • I came across a coupon for almond milk (Silk Pure) so I bought some and it was fabulous!!! I'm not much of a milk drinker so I've been drinking soy but I loved the almond milk so much that I've switched to it! YUM!!!
    in RAVE!!! Comment by peart47 May 2010
  • I came across a coupon for almond milk (Silk Pure) so I bought some and it was fabulous!!! I'm not much of a milk drinker so I've been drinking soy but I loved the almond milk so much that I've switched to it! YUM!!!
    in RAVE!!! Comment by peart47 May 2010