Obviously bad choices

mblaich Posts: 18
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I thought I was making great choices for dinner tonight since I didn't have many calories left for the day and i'm back in the negative category. I am hoping to go for a walk tonight if this storm holds off, but I honestly dont know what else I can do...SO frustrating. I know this is only my second day but still. Oh well. Extra Extra small portions at dinner.


  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    honey you put in 2 CUPS of scrambled eggs. is this what you meant to do?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    2 eggs is just 140 meaning you have calories left over. check it out! :wink:
  • mlv333
    mlv333 Posts: 86 Member
    It's alot easier if you exercise and increase your caloric intake parameters. But on the days that I don't work out I'll have maybe a can of veggies for dinner. You really want to eat most of your calories for breakfast which I just don't do. I usually eat most of mine for lunch.
  • peart47
    peart47 Posts: 25 Member
    Don't worry about it. It's always tough in the beginning. There are plenty of fitness shows in the TV or internet (I use hulu.com and look for a 20 min fitness show to do sometimes) if you need to work off a few of those calories inside. That you have decided to do this and are conscious of what you're eating is the important thing to remember here. We all have days that we go over. It's okay. Tomorrow is a whole new day.
  • mlv333
    mlv333 Posts: 86 Member
    arewethereyet is right! 700 cal of eggs is lots of egg.
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    yeah 700 cal would more or less equal 7 eggs... thats a lot of eggs!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I scrambled 4 eggs and 2 whites this mornign with cheese, onions, and spinach and it was enough for 3 ppl........easy.
  • sweetrevenge
    sweetrevenge Posts: 188
    I have to agree, 2 cups off eggs is a LOT of eggs. I have a felling that you meant 2 eggs (7 calories each).
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have to agree, 2 cups off eggs is a LOT of eggs. I have a felling that you meant 2 eggs (7 calories each).

    70 calories.....hahaha and we perpetuate the mistake!! LOL:laugh: :laugh:

    Like telephone in elementary school
  • sakitchens
    sakitchens Posts: 37 Member
    My first week was like a trial period. It took alot of effort to get used to what to eat. I try to eat alot of veggies with my meals so feel full on them and they do not have many calories. As for the excersie if you have stairs at home and you are over calories run up and down the steps for 30 min that is a good at home excersie in a pinch.
  • Michellerw1
    Michellerw1 Posts: 367
    Get a jump rope if you live in an area where weather will be a factor in outdoor exercise. It is cheap and effective for indoor cardo.

    And cut yourself some slack. :happy:
  • mblaich
    mblaich Posts: 18
    hey Ladies
    I was totally wrong with the egg thing...as you can I am a total newbie on here! I'm excited because I have calories left over...I was so upset when I thought I was over my cal intake again! Thanks all for your help! I really really appreciate it!
  • ropsnik
    ropsnik Posts: 68 Member
    Try the original Egg Beaters. 1 cup = 120 calories and makes a nice size omelet.
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