StaySee0828 Member


  • Wish that worked for me--but it didn't--I tried already. wtf?! :(
  • I too learned of this site thru the app--and I LOVE my app--HOWEVER, the past week or so it will not work! It is not synchronizing and keeps forcing me to "go offline." I emailed support/feedback and left a comment on mfp's facebook page but no help yet... :sad:
  • YES, so worth it! To me anyway!!! I love, love, LOVE avocados!!!! I did weight watchers a long time ago--before I just started plain ol' countin calories--and whenever I ate a fruit or vegetable (even if it was an avocado!) I would not even count it! I mean, I didn't get fat on fruits and vegetables!! And even without…
  • Oh i like that quote--think I'll add it to my profile too, thanks!!!!
    in Hello! Comment by StaySee0828 May 2010
  • Hi there! Thanks Joscelle! And yes, jankohler, that is one of my favorite quotes! Sooooo true! :laugh:
    in Hello! Comment by StaySee0828 May 2010