

  • No absolutely not even if they are decafinated they are not counted as water. This is what I was told all the way back many moons ago by my dietician, water intake is just water anything else doesnt count. I was even told again recently by my naturopath water intake is just water no teas or anything of the like. But hey…
  • I'm sorry but not logging cleaning as exercise is a bit harsh. I say log it if you built up a sweat and spent a considerable amount of time doing it then why the hell not!! It takes me hours to do a major clean of my entire house once a week. By the time I'm finished I'm sweating, my heart rate has risen and I feel like…
  • Gave up soda 8 weeks ago and started feeling better and noticed I started to lose weight faster I always ate somewhat healthy so didnt understand why I was still weighing in the 60's. The amount of sugar and general 'garbage' in soda is incredible the calories can almost be the same quantity as in a full healthy meal. Its…
  • My sister in law does the meal replacement shakes and her weight goes up and down, the reason is because she's really not learning how to eat healthier or fill that void that food usually does. I think meal replacements have their place in weight loss but honestly I think learning how to eat properly and responsibly is the…
  • I think you are doing the right thing with the cardio I would definately cut back on doing heavy weights or anything of the like but do not cut out your strength training. (very) Light weights and many repetitions will not cause you to put on mass amounts of muscle but will help to burn fat especially in problem areas.
  • I think these diet supplement pills and the like are a little dodgy. My advice would be to go to a herbalist or naturopath they will be able to but you on vitamins and minerals that your body may be lacking therefore helping your body to function optimally. For example if your thyroid is a little low you will gain weight…
  • My yoga instructor told me once a hot, hot bath, a short walk the next day (some light streching after) and also a protein shake after a heavy work out will do wonders for you. The sooner you can consume the protein shake after a really heavy workout the better. I do all three when I know I'm gonna be hurtin and I find it…
  • Runnning is great for fat burning but if like me you are predisposed to put on muscle easily you should really look into pilates or yoga aswell I found that although they help promote muscle tone it also seemed to lenghten the muscles so they didnt look as bulky but still had strength. Running should be only one part of…