

  • I personally braid my hair in two pigtail french braids, but this year will be doing a ponytail braid. I just got a helmet that allows ponytails so I will be doing that since its easier to stuff it under a swim cap than french braids. Either are great choices though.
  • AMEN! I was just thinking this the other day. I was in Miami for work and needed a new gym to go to, so I used one of those trial offer passes. So I walk in to this place and start running on the treadmill (Big poofy running shorts, no make-up, and big ol tank top). I love to run so I hit it hard and get all sweaty. Man,…
  • I have to get up a bit early anyways to get to work by 8, but I found that if I just go to bed a little earlier it becomes easier to wake up earlier too. I don't do much after 10PM so I make it a point to get to bed by that time. No later. Try that!
  • Eeeek! I totally thought I had this one already. Doh, I guess I don't. Well I wish you ladies luck and good burns!
  • OMG, I'm totally in! I just ordered a bunch of new DVD's and this is one of them. I am excited to be doing this with other people since nobody at my work gives a hoot about fitness or workout DVD's. So are we doing this everyday? Oh boy, I know who's going to be sore tomorrow!
  • I know what you are describing. I am a petite woman myself but I have a goal in mind and it seems the closer I get to my goal the more I hear people asking "how much longer are you going to exercise" "don't you think you've done enough?" Really? I just don't think people are used to seeing too many people take their health…
  • I have a hard time with that situation, but I do try to set myself up for success by preparing snacks ahead of time for these types of moments. I love carrots and apples so I keep my fridge stocked at all times. I have also found that soups work to fill that hunger since most are around 100-200 calories and are mostly…
  • I know its not for everyone but I have cut out alcohol completely. I have decided to live the healthiest life I can and alcohol really doesn't have a place in it anymore. So far I have only found positive effects: 1. I have more $ since I am not drinking my $ away. 2: No more hangovers! 3. Weight loss 4. I am more hydrated…