

  • Hey there, I was on birth control for 7 years and I had many of the same side effects you did-- lethargy, no sex drive, etc. I did find some relief a couple months after stopping, but the real relief came when I did some more research on candida yeast. Birth control, when taken over a long period of time, can cause an…
  • Basically anything processed is going to have more sugar then your body should have. We are so used to thinking that because something is "multigrain" or "all natural" means that it's low cal or low sugar and therefore truly good for us. I would try making your own waffles with rice flour or something similar or homemade…
  • Hey Darlin, I don't mean to just restate what people have said, but 115 lbs does sound low for someone so tall. I am 5'2'' and have a TINY frame (small shoulders, no boobs, etc) and my minimum would be around 115. What I do suggest is Pure Barre! Have you heard of it? I just started doing it a month ago now.. its a…