
I've noticed that I'm doing very well of being under everything like salt, fat, etc, but my big problem is SUGAR. I noticed everyday I'm at least 40 grams over. I need help on choosing things that have less sugar or no sugar at all. In the morning I usually have a bowl of cereal with skim milk or one eggo nurtigrain waffle with natural peanut butter and banana or all natural fruit preserves and also I have coffee with no sugar but a dash of milk. Throughout the day it's usually fruits and veggies with homemade sandwiches.

What am I doing wrong?


  • Maple669
    I'm over my sugar after my first coffee....i know how you feel =) I swear i only use two teaspoons in my coffee... what gives!
  • twoerpel
    Try to pick fruits that are lower in sugar. An apple is filling yet with less sugar than bananas. Also many cereals that advertise as being healthy choices have more hidden sugars.
  • emma_runs_amok
    Basically anything processed is going to have more sugar then your body should have. We are so used to thinking that because something is "multigrain" or "all natural" means that it's low cal or low sugar and therefore truly good for us.

    I would try making your own waffles with rice flour or something similar or homemade granola cereal both with stevia as your sugar substitute. Stevia is awesome because its not a fake attempt to make genetically modified sugar (like aspartame), but rather a natural sweet plant that can be used like sugar. It has zero calories. And did I mention its awesome? But if you made your own you could freeze it or whatever.. make it when you have time then use it at your leisure.

    Fruit is also tough when you're really trying to cut down on sugar. I get my vitamins other ways but for some people fruit is just too tasty. Its a decision you'll have to make.

    I've been on a no-sugar detox for three months now and I feel great.. Sugar is one of those things your body craves until you detox from it. After that you can add it back in small amounts.

    Stevia is also good in coffee and tea!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Are you reading labels? I do..., you will be amazed what you see.
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    I have this same issue.. I think that if most of the sugar is coming from fruit then thats okay, MFP has a very low sugar allowance. Berries are low in suagr and very healthy! Mandarins are about 6 grams which is pretty low!

    Try stay away from processed foods. Lets be honest, I dont think anyone ever got fat from eating fruit.