farley109 Member


  • In the beginning when I took two topamax, It made my thoughts so foggy, I drove to town, then couldnt remember why!!! I had a very hard time staying focused! And Im a NURSE! So that was a BIG deal! I only take one a day now and I take it early, so it has time to wear off some before work! My mind is alot clearer now. But…
  • This is week 3 on the Phentermine and Topamax Combination. Im down 15lbs. My script was for 1 phentermine a day. 37.5mg...and 2 topamax a day. I found that half of a phentermine was plenty, so I break them in half. And I only take one Topamax. The topamax makes soda taste like Im sucking on a copper penny! Most disgusting…
  • Hi....Im new to the Phentermine & Topamax...has anyone that only had about 20lbs to lose tried this combination recently?