Phentermine & Topamax Combination



  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Never taken Topamax, but I'm on Phentermine at the moment. I've started not taking on the weekends. The only thing it has done for me is keep me from feeling hungry. I don't take it on the weekends, because I want to make sure that what I'm doing are MY efforts, and if I stop taking Phen, that I can continue with everything I'm doing now. (The answer is YES! I'm perfectly fine on the weekends without it.)

    I was just recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, so I'm on a host of other meds (Lyrica, meloxicam, cyclobenzaprine, Voltaren gel, etc.) I haven't had any reactions with my med cocktail, but my ultimate goal is to lose weight, strengthen my body, and learn to live with Fibro without meds....or at least as few as possible.
  • mrnndj
    mrnndj Posts: 19
    I have been on Phentermine and Topamax since May of 2012 (every 3 months I take a 1 month break from the phentermine) I have lost 60lbs and my blood pressure has gone from 140/90 (on two different meds) to usually about 120/70 (still on the meds). My Dr said as long as I continue to take a one month break from the phentermine I can continue this forever. I go to see my Dr every 3 month for check ups and he is amazed at how it has worked for me. I take 37.5 of phentemine in the am and 50 of topamax in the evening.
    I LOVE this!!! I have energy and last summer would actually exercise everyday ( I am a teacher and admit I have done a very poor job of keeping up the exercise during the school year).
    I am rarely overly hungry. When I do eat I find myself eating about 1/4 of the meal ( my teenage son love this as he gets to finish my plate lol). and I am full and satisfied for the rest of the day or until the next meal.
  • farley109
    farley109 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi....Im new to the Phentermine & Topamax...has anyone that only had about 20lbs to lose tried this combination recently?
  • I have 20 pounds to lose and just statrted Phentermine , never tried topamax. I originally had 35pounds to lose, I lost 15 and am now trying to lose the last 20. I vlog about all these things and what I've tried if you want you can check it out

    youtube name: adrian0616
  • Phentermine is a quick fix but not for long term. I took it, lost a good bit of weight then gained it all back. I can't stand the fact that it makes me not sleep at night. I think diet and exercise are the only way to go. I have also heard that phen really messes with your metabolism. I do keep a rx of it, for things like food fests...where I know there will be lots of food and I'm struggling with will power. I also took a half a pill (for a day or 2) when I started my exercising and dieting because in the beginning I was STARVING all the time and needed to shrink my stomach, or whatever. I don't like to take it, tho.

    I would stay away from it. I don't know anything about topamax.

    Good luck!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Huh. They give Topamax as a weight loss tool?

    I am relieved to hear the side effects wore off for most people, because I am taking it for chronic migraines and need it to work!

    The fact I have lost a few pounds is great, but I need it to take away the migraines.

    Thanks for the idea of setting an alarm as a reminder to eat. I truly have forgotten a few times and this is a trigger.
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 595 Member
    I'm not taking both but I've been on phentermine 37.5 for 3 weeks. I've lost 15 lbs., a little over have of that was the first week and a lot of it was water. My doctor gave it to me to give me a chance to shrink my stomach, break some bad habits and start exercising. I've done all 3. Before taking it I was hungry all the time, I was addicted to Diet Coke and would drink 8-10 per day and I constantly craved sugar. When I would try to exercise I struggled to stay on our elliptical for 15 minutes. I can now go an hour. I only drink 2-3 Diet Cokes per day and the rest is water. I no longer crave sweets either. I know some lose a lot more on this than I do but my doctor also told me to eat 1200 calories today. I'm not eating that many but I do try to eat at least 1,000. I'm not eating back my exercise calories either, which I've been reading on here I should. I took a day off last week and I plan to take this weekend off. I'm going to intentionally eat more today to see what happens on the scales.

    I've been reading a lot on here about tdee...I'm not real sure how to use it but looks like tdee minus 20% would put me between 1600-2000, depending on which activity level I choose. I know if I quit taking the pill and immediately started eating that much I would gain back all I lost. I have a follow up appointment Monday. I would like to keep doing what I'm doing for a little while longer. My doctor told me that those that develop good eating and exercise habits while on phentermine have more success at keeping it off. But now I'm starting to worry that I'm messing up my metabolism.

    Anyway, I'm not having many side effects. I'm thirsty so I drink a lot of water and my GERD has been acting up some but I've delt with it for years. I only had difficulty sleeping the first couple of nights. I haven't checked my blood pressure yet because I don't have a way to but my doctor will check it Monday.
  • kristylynn83
    kristylynn83 Posts: 3 Member
    I just got put on it yesterday. I have about 60+lbs to lose and I have always worked out and tried to eat healthy but I just keep gaining. I'm hoping that this will help me not feel like I'm starving as I try to stick to the 1000 calories diet he put me on. I'm also worried that once I stop taking it any weight I'd lost will come right back on... Keep me posted on how it's working out for you. I'm glad to hear you haven't really had any side effects and have been able to lost some weight. Good luck!
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 595 Member
    I just got put on it yesterday. I have about 60+lbs to lose and I have always worked out and tried to eat healthy but I just keep gaining. I'm hoping that this will help me not feel like I'm starving as I try to stick to the 1000 calories diet he put me on. I'm also worried that once I stop taking it any weight I'd lost will come right back on... Keep me posted on how it's working out for you. I'm glad to hear you haven't really had any side effects and have been able to lost some weight. Good luck!

    Good luck to you too! I would like to lose another 40 at least.
  • SummerNights32
    SummerNights32 Posts: 86 Member
    I took phentermine about a year ago and lost 40 pounds. I kept the weight off and really learned a lot from it. Then November hit and I told myself that I was going to take a break from dieting and enjoy the holidays. I enjoyed them allright lol! I am up about 15 pounds, but I am going to be very honest. I ate what I wanted, drank a lot of soda and cut the water out, and hardly worked out. I pretty much hibernate in the winter haha!

    I am not going to blame the weight gain on the lack of pills. I kept the weight off for a long time without them, so all of the blame goes to me. The weather is warming up again and I feel like my motivation is coming back. Not to mention summer is almost here! I have been thinking about doing a month of the phentermine again to help lose what I gained. In fact, there is a new clinic here that does a two month program, that also involves nutrition classes. I don't know if I will stay on them for two months, but I will be at my goal weight if I lose 40 more I will see. It would be great to be there by summer.
  • KreepyCaddie
    KreepyCaddie Posts: 2 Member
    this is day 4 for me and i have had no side effects , I have been eating healthy and getting my cardio in .. its crazy how the feeling of of being hungry disappears . Good luck
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 595 Member
    I went for a follow up visit with my doctor today. My blood pressure and pulse were great, about the same as the last time I was there before I started taking the phentermine. It's been 3 weeks and 3 days. According to her scales I was down 15 in that time. She looked at my diary here too. She was pleased with my progress and liked my food choices and the exercise I've been doing. She did tell me to make sure I at least hit 1,000 calories after exercise...for a while I wasn't eating them back. She had originally told me 1200 but its hard to do on exercise days. Since I'm doing well on them, she gave me an Rx for another month.
  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    I started phentermine 3/4/2013. At first it made me jittery and dry mouthed, but I definitely lost my appetite. I have lost 10 lbs in the month (was dieting a week before I started taking the med) I have been watching my calories. I have been tracking just about everything..stayed away from any junk, and eat between 1000-1200 cals a day. I haven't been doing any vigorous exercise yet, but plan to start the exercise plan as soon as spring break is over. I work in a store, and I am on my feet 8 hours a day, lifting, and walking and doing alot of regular activities.

    I can't say too much bad about the drug, but that it gives me a little bit of a headache and dizziness at the end of the day. I have been able to sleep, and function perfectly on it. I am eating healthier and making much better than choices than I was, but I was doing that even before I started the med, just keeping better track. I think its a good jjmpstart for me, and I've had friends that lost and kept it off after the meds. Good luck!
  • farley109
    farley109 Posts: 3 Member
    This is week 3 on the Phentermine and Topamax Combination. Im down 15lbs. My script was for 1 phentermine a day. 37.5mg...and 2 topamax a day. I found that half of a phentermine was plenty, so I break them in half. And I only take one Topamax. The topamax makes soda taste like Im sucking on a copper penny! Most disgusting thing I've ever tasted! I think its been the best thing for me! Ive always drank diet pop, but even its bad for you! So I havent had a pop now in 3 weeks! I have no appetite and have to make myself eat. Im logging my calories and trying to stay below 1000 calories a day. I wanta drop another 10 to 15 lbs, Im only taking my pills every other day now. I mainly wanted them to give me the motivation to start my diet! To help shrink my stomach!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    This is week 3 on the Phentermine and Topamax Combination. Im down 15lbs. My script was for 1 phentermine a day. 37.5mg...and 2 topamax a day. I found that half of a phentermine was plenty, so I break them in half. And I only take one Topamax. The topamax makes soda taste like Im sucking on a copper penny! Most disgusting thing I've ever tasted! I think its been the best thing for me! Ive always drank diet pop, but even its bad for you! So I havent had a pop now in 3 weeks! I have no appetite and have to make myself eat. Im logging my calories and trying to stay below 1000 calories a day. I wanta drop another 10 to 15 lbs, Im only taking my pills every other day now. I mainly wanted them to give me the motivation to start my diet! To help shrink my stomach!

    .25 mg of topamax and I can't think. I have no appetite whatsoever and would totally forget to eat if I didnt set an alarm. When I do eat, it tastes OK, but the aftertaste is like when you ate hot pizza and kinda burned your mouth, if you know what I mean. Doesnt hurt, but not pleasant either.

    I have short term memory loss and word association issues. Like I fought with my DD about her having internet for school. I was thinking TV!!

    I went to the ER for heart arythmia (sp) due to dehydration so DRINK UP!! (you do not realize how much water you get from the foods you eat!)

    good luck! Stay healthy.:flowerforyou:
  • farley109
    farley109 Posts: 3 Member
    In the beginning when I took two topamax, It made my thoughts so foggy, I drove to town, then couldnt remember why!!! I had a very hard time staying focused! And Im a NURSE! So that was a BIG deal! I only take one a day now and I take it early, so it has time to wear off some before work! My mind is alot clearer now. But it does make things taste bad! Im still only taking them about every other day. Im trying to do it without the pills.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    In the beginning when I took two topamax, It made my thoughts so foggy, I drove to town, then couldnt remember why!!! I had a very hard time staying focused! And Im a NURSE! So that was a BIG deal! I only take one a day now and I take it early, so it has time to wear off some before work! My mind is alot clearer now. But it does make things taste bad! Im still only taking them about every other day. Im trying to do it without the pills.

    Oh that is good. You are aware of what to look for. The taste stuff stinks! But of course on for a weight loss 'starter' it certainly kept me from any Easter goodies.

    I hope it helps you achieve your goals. It is hard when you get down to the last 20.
  • Topamax is a nightmare. It did make my headaches go away but one if the side effects is word loss-- drug made me a bumbling idiot. I lost a few pounds on it- Maybe like 6-7 lbs, so I weighed like 130, but ever since I've been off it, I've been having the hardest time losing the weight I gained back- which I gained 10 pounds and weighed 140. I think it destroys your metabolism bc I've been eating 1200-1400 calories every day for last 3 weeks while running 3-5 miles 5 days a week and only lost about 3 pounds. Stay away from it, once you go off you gain back more and then some.
  • fancylola
    fancylola Posts: 2 Member
    I have been on Phentermine & Topamax for 2 & 1/2 months. I have gone from 293 the day I began taking them to 244 today. My Dr had me start the Topamax 2 weeks before the Phentermine to see how I tolerated it & to see if I even needed the Phentermine. With the Topamax alone I noticed no side affects what so ever - with the exception of soda tasting funny but at the time I didnt realize that it was the rx ( nor did I experience any weight loss ). However when she added the Phen, all of the side affects I had been warned about with the Topamax came to a head. I was exhausted, I couldnt think. I was scared to drive! This went on for a weekend untill I was able to contact my Dr & ask if I could take my Topamax down from the 50mg that I was taking to cutting it in half & taking only a 25mg. After doing that it took away all negative side affects! After a few weeks I upped my dosage back to the 50 mg without issue. And have been absolutly fine ever since! I have completely changed my diet. I eat mainly raw - probobly 80%. Have drank only water this entire time. The topamax has killed any sweet tooth I had before - so even when something looks really yummy - its much easier to walk away. I think the fact that I have had soo many people tell me how I was going to just "gain the weight back as soon as I went of the meds" has been actually super good for me. It has been the reason I knew I had to change things completely so that when the meds were no longer there to rely on - I could count on myself! Im sure they arent for everyone. And maybe for some the side affects for some are much worse. But I was miserable! I needed help! This has given me that start! That lifeline!... I know at one time there was a question about a diabetic taking these meds... My husband is a diabetic, but he also has blood pressure issues. I know his Dr would not prescribe this for him but I think that it had everything to do with the later. As long as you are keeping your sugar were it should be - and doing it by eating healthy & eating enough ( eating enough is sometimes difficult). I dont know why it would be an issue. But I would only ever recomend doing this thru a Dr. that is familar with you & your condition. This is my first post - hope I did ok & didnt bore yall to death :smile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Very interesting! and WELCOME!! So glad this is working for you. Using MFP, and learning about healthy eating will help you when you come off the meds. I know I have no appetite at all. So being here before I started has helped me to make better choices. Logging my food is KEY to making sure I eat enough each day.

    Good luck to you!