

  • I read about it in one of the other groups here and wash´t quite sure so I googled it and found only a bit about it. But some pages say, if you have a family history of hypothyroidism or if you are sensitive to gluten, you should try to cut it out as much as possible. I have both of that and changed now to gluten free…
  • Ok, thanks. So will keep on leaving out soy, gluten and a few other things and will see what happens. I wasn´t taking it with food, but would have cereals with milk about 45 minutes after taking my pill I now I seen I should´t have calcium up to 4 hours after taking the pill. will ask my doctor as well for a copy of my…
  • Thanks very much to both of you. I just found out about all that stuff I should´t eat two weeks ago in one of the groups here about weight loss and hypothyroidism. No one ever told me, even I´m diagnosed for 9 years now. I felt fine for a while but at the moment I feel much more tired than I use to do and a bit down and…
  • Thanks very much to both of you. I just found out about all that stuff I should´t eat two weeks ago in one of the groups here about weight loss and hypothyroidism. No one ever told me, even I´m diagnosed for 9 years now. I felt fine for a while but at the moment I feel much more tired than I use to do and a bit down and…
  • I eat at the moment about 1700 calories and do a little exercise about twice a week. I do that now for about 7-8 weeks but I only lost 1.5 kg and I haven´t lost anything for about 4 weeks. I got a hypothyroidism and wondered, if my basic calories required might be lower, than I would calculate with my age and weight…
  • Somewhere it was said, that we also should avoid tap water. Can I have boiled tap water or do I also have to boil bottle water for a cup of tea?
  • I read earlier on something about not having green tea?! Does anyone has any information on that one?
  • Hi, I´m not quite sure, how exactly calculate everything for me. I´m not the sportiest person, I have to admit. I like my two hours of Zumba a week and that´s about it with sport. But I´m a nurse which keeps me running around most of my working days. So I´m not quite sure in which activity group I fit. And when I…