Tips and Tricks



  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I have been on the meds for only 4 months. I wait about 20 min. also (per doctor) but you said no calicum for 4 hrs. what about the skim milk I put in my coffee? If I have to wait 4 hours for coffee, I may only use about a tsp in each cup, but I have 2 so thats 2 tsps. am I doomed? Help!

    You may want to try So Delicious Coconut coffee creamer -- it's actually quite good - vegan, gluten free, dairy free --- 10 calories per tablespoon - and very, very low in calcium. They have flavors, too which are very good.

    I don't know about you, but I always wake up to pee at least once during the night -- I take my Armour at that time -- go back to sleep -- wake up several hours later and don't worry about my vitamins or food blocking absorption.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Well,I read the dirty dozen. Between the Thyroid and pesticides, I guess I will stop eating.:sad: When I stopped smoking it was so easy. I wasn't a heavy smoker but I decided that it would be a good idea if I stopped. So I did.

    Now eating??????? That's another matter. I try to buy organic on the vegies. Organic fruit isn't available at the supermarket's where I shop soooooo guess I start getting produce at Whole Foods. Pay a little more but you get what you pay for. Besides the organic last longer.

    Thanks for the info Teri, It is so helpful. I'm serious. The info you post here is always right on.:drinker:


    I know -- it seems daunting -- but it can be done - buying organic is first, and if you can't then wash, wash, wash. Then, if you can, natural meat -- that is antibiotic and hormone free -- Perdue chicken is... but I will admit it's more expensive to eat this way and might not work for everyone. I think, though that even Wal-mart carries all natural meats -- read the labels.

    The jury is really out on gluten-free -- it doesn't help everyone -- but it did make a big difference for me in bloating and intestinal distress.

    Dairy free is not just for thyroid -- there are many doctors right now that are down on dairy. The claim is that we are the only species on the planet that continue to drink milk into adulthood and the only species that drinks the milk of other species!! I find that almond milk and coconut milk are just as good. I miss cheese desperately, but promised my doctor I would stay the course for 6 months. Give it a fighting chance to see how my body responds.

    I do not eat any breakfast -- just tea with stevia. Morning snack is an apple or orange. Lunch is a gigantic salad with lots of veggies and some sort of protein like chicken or shrimp. I use Waldon Farms dressings -- ZERO calories - no gluten or dairy. Publix has it here in GA in the refrigerator case. Then I have another piece of fruit for afternoon snack. Dinner is another protein and huge portion of veggies broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc... yes they are on the list, but I have them cooked. On days I work out, I add a veggie protein shake post-workout.

    Is it difficult? Yes!! But the alternative is to accept myself fat and tired and depressed, and I refuse to go there!

  • Salanita
    Salanita Posts: 2
    After reading comments re not having calcium for 4 hours before taking meds, I decided upon myself to start taking my thyroxine (I'm on 150mg) before I go to bed, as I can't do without cereal or a cuppa first thing in the morning, I have to get up early 'ish for work.. I have been doing this for almost a week now & have been feeling awful everyday since I changed. I feel like I haven't taken any meds, headachey, fatigued, foggy headed etc.

    If anyone else has changed to taking them before bed, how long did it take before you felt your self again??
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    I asked the Question: How to take Natural thyroid Meds. Go to and they have all the info you need.
    Take it 1 hour before EATING/including Morning Coffee. With Non-fluridated Water.
    WebSite has a lot of good info that I didn't know about.
    Check it out.:smile:
  • kudilein
    kudilein Posts: 8
    I read earlier on something about not having green tea?! Does anyone has any information on that one?
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    -Thyroid medication does not get absorbed when calcium is consumed up to 4 hours of taking your pill (learned this one the hard way)

    Are you serious? Doctors have told me to wait for breakfast only 20 minutes after the pill....
    Who told you 4 hours?

    I was told I could eat breakfast 30 minutes after taking the pill but any dairy products 4 hours after and medications 1-2 hours after.
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    After reading comments re not having calcium for 4 hours before taking meds, I decided upon myself to start taking my thyroxine (I'm on 150mg) before I go to bed, as I can't do without cereal or a cuppa first thing in the morning, I have to get up early 'ish for work.. I have been doing this for almost a week now & have been feeling awful everyday since I changed. I feel like I haven't taken any meds, headachey, fatigued, foggy headed etc.

    If anyone else has changed to taking them before bed, how long did it take before you felt your self again??

    Here is a link I found yesterday:

    I'm thinking of taking mine at night because I love cereal in the morning but I'm not going to get up 4 hours before I have to to eat it. Plus, if there may be benefits to taking it at night, even better.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Really stupid question - but is the calcium thing for just hypothyroid or hyper too? I'm currently on prophononol or what ever its called which is a beta blocker while I wait for a hospital appt to be properly diagnosed. I have to take it in the morning because at the moment I'm only on 1 a day and if I leave it too late I can't do nowt because my heart feels like its leaping out of my chest and I'm so breathless its like I have asthma.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Really stupid question - but is the calcium thing for just hypothyroid or hyper too? I'm currently on prophononol or what ever its called which is a beta blocker while I wait for a hospital appt to be properly diagnosed. I have to take it in the morning because at the moment I'm only on 1 a day and if I leave it too late I can't do nowt because my heart feels like its leaping out of my chest and I'm so breathless its like I have asthma.

    In my four years of dealing with hyper, I've never heard of a calcium restriction, so I'm guessing it's only a hypo thing, as calcium blocks the absorption of hypo medication. But it's just a guess, I never actually asked.

    Does anyone know how do goitrogens relate to having no thyroid? I mean, goiter is defined as "swelling of the thyroid gland", but what happens when the gland physically isn't there anymore? Am I still supposed to avoid goitrogens?
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Wow-- good point!! You shouldn't have to worry about goiters on your thyroid if you don't have a thyroid!!
  • NicholeRobb
    NicholeRobb Posts: 166 Member
    My dr told me 20min prior to eating with 8oz of water. My levels have stayed fairly normal in the past couple of yrs so I guess I'm doing something right. I try to eat either eggs & toast in the morning or yogurt, fruit, bread &pb. If not those I try to eat a ceral high in fiber. Fiber one is good. I know it looks gross, but it actually tastes pretty good. Even my kids will eat it. Not only is it high in fiber but its low in cals :)
  • rower75
    rower75 Posts: 90 Member
    Your findings is exactly what I have experience as well. Why on earth do doctors or pharmacists not tell you about the calcium thing. I learned this the hard way as well.!@#!@#!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Thyroid disease gets no respect from the medical profession -- not all, but most, doctors think we are just a TSH lab test. Even Mayo Clinic thinks that!! Most think synthetic T4 is the only treatment regardless of our symptoms. Then they make you feel like you are eating too much or too lazy and that's why you are fat, tired and cranky. After you pass menopause, they blame it on menopause -- I actually had a doctor tell me "that's just the way it is for women after menopause"... yet here I am 30 pounds smaller, approaching 60 years old and training for a triathlon and the 3 day 60 mile walk for breast cancer (for the 2nd time!)... if I listened to the crap these doctors spout, I would just get in the bed and eat potato chips and peanut butter cups -- because I would think it was hopeless!!
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Thyroid disease gets no respect from the medical profession -- not all, but most, doctors think we are just a TSH lab test. Even Mayo Clinic thinks that!! Most think synthetic T4 is the only treatment regardless of our symptoms. Then they make you feel like you are eating too much or too lazy and that's why you are fat, tired and cranky. After you pass menopause, they blame it on menopause -- I actually had a doctor tell me "that's just the way it is for women after menopause"... yet here I am 30 pounds smaller, approaching 60 years old and training for a triathlon and the 3 day 60 mile walk for breast cancer (for the 2nd time!)... if I listened to the crap these doctors spout, I would just get in the bed and eat potato chips and peanut butter cups -- because I would think it was hopeless!!

    I can't say for sure if my endo feels that way as I'm just starting this journey. Previously I asked my doctor about my thyroid as I was having such a hard time losing weight and he said to do WW. So I did. Lost 20 pounds then hit a plateau and started gain it back. He said to keep trying or try Medifast. No way was I going to do that. Too expensive and that's no way to eat. Same think. THS results show normal. Actually my arthritis doctor caught that my calcium was too high and got me going to an endo and found out I had a "dead" hyprthyroid and a nodule on my left thyroid. So I have to say that Teri is probably right regarding the majority of doctors. They don't teach them in med school to Really listen to their patients. It's just the same ole, same ole. I'm the doctor you don't know anything, I'm the smart and educated one so just be quiet and listen to ME.

    So with my appt with the endo that refered me to a surgeon, I will see how it goes from here. Only time will tell. I do feel so much frustration with the symptoms of this disease. So, my point? I'm not sure, so I just put down how I was feeling. That's, I guess part of the foggy brain thing.

    Hang in there everyone. We will educate these doctors even if it takes forever.:explode:


  • Have also found limiting your cruciferous vegetables, increasing seafood / fish intake, low (not NONE) carb intake and just generally trying to eat the freshest, most unprocessed food as possible seems to help.

    I have experienced the same results!
  • kudilein
    kudilein Posts: 8
    Somewhere it was said, that we also should avoid tap water. Can I have boiled tap water or do I also have to boil bottle water for a cup of tea?
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Somewhere it was said, that we also should avoid tap water. Can I have boiled tap water or do I also have to boil bottle water for a cup of tea?

    Tap water most likely contains chlorine and is not the best for your thyroid -- but taking a bath or shower puts chlorine all over us -- so I just try to do the best I can. I have a PUR filtered pitcher (one at home and one at the office) - I just keep it filled and it pulls the chlorine out. Then I use that water for drinking water. I don't think I need it for tea because the tea water is boiled -- but it wouldn't hurt to use it for tea also.

    I also use a PBA free water bottle -- I know it sounds like yet another crazy thing -- but the plastic in bottles does leach into the water and I just don't want that stuff in my body.

  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    My doctor wants me to be gluten-free and dairy-free -- he also recommended I not use any artificial sweeteners (splenda, equal, etc)

    I did ok with the gluten, but giving up the dairy was a little harder. I really wanted a cup of coffee with sweet n' low and half & half.

    I found the answer!! I microwave 1 cup of unsweetened Almond Milk -- add 1 cup of coffee and 1/2 tsp of NuNatural Stevia -- it's a concentrated stevia powder that is every bit as sweet as any artificial sweetener. Yay!! I can have my morning coffee and stay on plan. 1 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk is only 35 calories!! Less than in 2 tablespoons of half & half... and tastes delicious!
  • heygina
    heygina Posts: 78
    I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all this information. I go in tomorrow to discuss treatment of my hypothyroidism with my doc, my lab work came back today and I have elevated thyroid levels. I've known for several years, but had no insurance, so I'm excited to finally start treatment. But I hope I can keep all the information straight on the foods/supplements everyone has listed.

    My generic synthroid cost me under $7 for one month's worth. I have great insurance but if price is lower than the copay I only pay the lower amount. Please don't let cost be a factor in taking your meds!
  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    Ok, so just started taking the Vit D suppliments 3 weeks ago.....what time of day do you find better? I take them in the morning.....but also I tried looking for natural calm in trader joe's but didn't see it and i have the whole constipation issue, any other suggestions on how to fix it? I hate that I go one week losing .5lbs and than don't lose for tired of it all

    Hi, take your vitamin D at night it will help you sleep. For constipation I just try to eat lots of veggies for lunch and dinner as well as water. If I don't I have the same problem. I also don't drink milk and very little other dairy foods. Good luck