Tips and Tricks



  • I've never heard about the calcium so I'm going to try to start taking my pill before I go to bed. I tried it years ago and it didn't seem to make a difference but I was also in denial about my eating habits and exercising.

    Hopefully this small change will give my metabolism the boost it needs to start moving again. Been stuck at a plateau for over 3 weeks now and the frustration level is driving me nuts.
  • I take my thyroid medication first thing in the morning with a b-complex and wait one hour before eating. I take my calcium and vitamin d in the evening after dinner.

    Why do you take your meds with b-complex? I also take a b-complex daily but do it later in the day.

    I can't do calcium or vitamin D... constipation issues. :(
  • seaglass2
    seaglass2 Posts: 192
    I take my thyroid medication first thing in the morning with a b-complex and wait one hour before eating. I take my calcium and vitamin d in the evening after dinner.

    Why do you take your meds with b-complex? I also take a b-complex daily but do it later in the day.

    I can't do calcium or vitamin D... constipation issues. :(

    I just take my thyroid med and b complex when I wake up and I eat after one hour so the b is absorbed with food.

    I am over 50 so calcium supplement is important and I take it with vitamin D which is supposed to be a good combination and I take them after dinner as it is recommended to take them after eating.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I take my thyroid medication first thing in the morning with a b-complex and wait one hour before eating. I take my calcium and vitamin d in the evening after dinner.

    Why do you take your meds with b-complex? I also take a b-complex daily but do it later in the day.

    I can't do calcium or vitamin D... constipation issues. :(

    I just take my thyroid med and b complex when I wake up and I eat after one hour so the b is absorbed with food.

    I am over 50 so calcium supplement is important and I take it with vitamin D which is supposed to be a good combination and I take them after dinner as it is recommended to take them after eating.

    Can you clarify your response? It looks like you can't do calcium/Vitamin D, but then you say you take them at dinner?
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    It's ok! Whoever has constipation issues taking Calcium, you may want to try again and add Magnesium Citrate. It helps the calcium to absorb better and also prevents constipation. I take Natural Calm at night with my Calcium/Vit D. Helps you sleep better and no constipation. I'm a low carber, so constipaiton can be an issue - but not as long as I take magnesium.
  • Both my doctor and the Synthroid website say '4hours' for calcium and iron. Also, something to note, try to avoid high fiber foods. I did see a difference in my labs,weight, and started having hypo symptoms when I ate oatmeal every morning (usually about 3 1/2 hours after taking my meds). I don't know if you have to wait 4 hours for eating something high in fiber, and the Synthroid site is not very clear. I did put in a call with Abbott labs, and we are now playing phone tag.

    Because I had (have) Graves disease, my general and my endo recommended I take calcium supplements. Of course, they both re-iterated the 4 hour rule. I say "had" because I had my thyroid removed; I say "have" because, technically, I still have Graves antibodies, which, medically, means, I still 'have' Graves.

    The most important thing: drink a FULL glass of water - i.e. at least 8 oz of water. This pushes the Syntrhoid into your small intestine where it can be absorbed more properly. If you don't drink enough water, the acids in your stomach will destroy most of the Synthroid.
  • (Removed the double post - sorry)
  • It's ok! Whoever has constipation issues taking Calcium, you may want to try again and add Magnesium Citrate. It helps the calcium to absorb better and also prevents constipation. I take Natural Calm at night with my Calcium/Vit D. Helps you sleep better and no constipation. I'm a low carber, so constipaiton can be an issue - but not as long as I take magnesium.

    I'll have to try Magnesium Citrate to see if it helps. As of right now I stopped taking fiber pills because I was told that taking them could actually make things worse. In another week or so, I'll try something else. Sooner or later something has to work. :)
  • aprildiamond42
    aprildiamond42 Posts: 19 Member
    I am new to Yoga. Anyone have a link to a good beginner's video?
  • wow i'm new to this group, have just learned new stuff that i didnt know and i have been diagnosed with with hypothyroidism for over 5 years! i have been gaining weight like crazy but never new anything about calcium ! wow just wow! so glad to be here Hi everyone ! i'm Sharon nice to meet you all !
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome, Sharon!!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Both my doctor and the Synthroid website say '4hours' for calcium and iron. Also, something to note, try to avoid high fiber foods. I did see a difference in my labs,weight, and started having hypo symptoms when I ate oatmeal every morning (usually about 3 1/2 hours after taking my meds). I don't know if you have to wait 4 hours for eating something high in fiber, and the Synthroid site is not very clear. I did put in a call with Abbott labs, and we are now playing phone tag.

    Because I had (have) Graves disease, my general and my endo recommended I take calcium supplements. Of course, they both re-iterated the 4 hour rule. I say "had" because I had my thyroid removed; I say "have" because, technically, I still have Graves antibodies, which, medically, means, I still 'have' Graves.

    The most important thing: drink a FULL glass of water - i.e. at least 8 oz of water. This pushes the Syntrhoid into your small intestine where it can be absorbed more properly. If you don't drink enough water, the acids in your stomach will destroy most of the Synthroid.

    Right - my Naturopath says 45 minutes... but it's ok -- I take the Calcium and Magnesium before bed. I take my thyroid medicine in the morning -- I have a weird insomnia where I wake up at 3am every day -- I've gotten in the habit of taking Synthroid then. go back to sleep, and get up a couple of hours later and take my normal morning vitamins. I realize that wouldn't work for everyone, but you can take something in the morning and something at night. Or you can take your Calcium and Magnesium with lunch or dinner. And take the Synthroid in the morning or at bed.
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    All of my medication says to wait for 60 minutes before eating. I had no idea that I shouldn't be having calcium. I get up at 4:30 .. take my medication, start exercising at about 4:45 and have a cup of decaf coffee (i can't give up my coffee, but switched to decaf) with milk at about 6:30 every morning. Could this be hindering my weight loss?

    Me too! I have coffee with skim milk every morning about one to two hours after taking meds. I never knew of any diet restrictions with my levothyroxine! I've had three doctors over the course of ten years who never indicated any restrictions.
    Now I'm reading about restrictions on soy, calcium, green tea and carbs!!!
    I'm so frustrated. I work out 5to 6 days a week on the mfp 1200 calorie allowance. I can lose .5 to 1 lb a week if I'm lucky. But then I can gain a pound overnight.
    Any suggestions????
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    All of my medication says to wait for 60 minutes before eating. I had no idea that I shouldn't be having calcium. I get up at 4:30 .. take my medication, start exercising at about 4:45 and have a cup of decaf coffee (i can't give up my coffee, but switched to decaf) with milk at about 6:30 every morning. Could this be hindering my weight loss?

    Me too! I have coffee with skim milk every morning about one to two hours after taking meds. I never knew of any diet restrictions with my levothyroxine! I've had three doctors over the course of ten years who never indicated any restrictions.
    Now I'm reading about restrictions on soy, calcium, green tea and carbs!!!
    I'm so frustrated. I work out 5to 6 days a week on the mfp 1200 calorie allowance. I can lose .5 to 1 lb a week if I'm lucky. But then I can gain a pound overnight.
    Any suggestions????

    If you are losing .5 - 1 pound a week you are doing great! I also workout 5-6 times a week, eat 1200 calories and been the same weight since 1/8/12. 6 weeks going up and down by 1/2 pound or so. The one thing I can't do is stop -- or for sure I will gain weight.

    Sometimes, you just need to adjust your ratios of Carb/fat/protein and you can see the scale move a little. Like reduce your carbs and increase your fat a little.

    Also, be sure to take your measurements - improvement might be in a smaller waist or hips.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Stopped eating soy. Started eating meat (was a veg). Scaled back on gluten. Probiotics- I make my own greek yogurt and Kefir. I have the best success with a protein (4 oz of meat) with quinoa or rice a big side of veggies.

    As far as eating after taking meds: You can eat 20 min after, just nothing with calcium...which makes breakfast really tough!

    Really? I knew about iron? But calcium too? Man, I have yogurt for breakfast daily almost daily. Or a latte. :( Wow, there are seriously not many breakfast options.
  • i had started eating soy products 9 yrs ago - the soy products eventually triggered my rai treated thyroid to go into hypo it basically stopped working and i gained a lot of a short amt of time and was always fatigued and drained of energy . doctors put me on synthyroid which i was on for 4 yrs and no improvement.. i finally freaked out at my doctor and demanded he change my meds as i wanted the old me back - my doctors changed my meds but was against it.. initially.
    i changed to natural dessicated thyroid hormone /armour and the change in my well being was 100 % my kids noticed my hubby noticed . i wasn't so tired anymore no more aching joints or swollen fingers, no more I forgot- memory lapses my concentration has gotten so much better and i felt better over all now i dont fall alseep during sex lol like i used to with the synthroid.
    I use coconut milk, coconut flour, coconut palm sugar to my foods i have added hemp hearts to my breakfast cereal or add it to my smoothies they ensure i have enough energy during the day without needing to eat sweets and they are also high in fibre, i eat sprouted grain bread instead of breads made with regular flours, i avoid raw broccoli cabbage peaches,i will only eat them thoroughly cooked. i stay away from any soy products so i have to read labels as there is hidden soy in many foods.. i add flax to my foods when i can and eat kale chips as a snack. i eat more meat as i crave it and have limited the amount of rice and potatoes that i eat as i notice they make me sluggish..i eat eggs with sprouted grain toast for my breakfast or smoothies.. i eat more gluten free and i found that it is easier on my stomach also..
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    -Thyroid medication does not get absorbed when calcium is consumed up to 4 hours of taking your pill (learned this one the hard way)

    Are you serious? Doctors have told me to wait for breakfast only 20 minutes after the pill....
    Who told you 4 hours?

    Friday I had an appt with my endo and he is the one that told me "no calcium within 4 hours of taking your thyroid meds." That's why I take mine when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Because of all the water I drink. Seems to be working well.:bigsmile:
  • All of my medication says to wait for 60 minutes before eating. I had no idea that I shouldn't be having calcium. I get up at 4:30 .. take my medication, start exercising at about 4:45 and have a cup of decaf coffee (i can't give up my coffee, but switched to decaf) with milk at about 6:30 every morning. Could this be hindering my weight loss?

    Me too! I have coffee with skim milk every morning about one to two hours after taking meds. I never knew of any diet restrictions with my levothyroxine! I've had three doctors over the course of ten years who never indicated any restrictions.
    Now I'm reading about restrictions on soy, calcium, green tea and carbs!!!
    I'm so frustrated. I work out 5to 6 days a week on the mfp 1200 calorie allowance. I can lose .5 to 1 lb a week if I'm lucky. But then I can gain a pound overnight.
    Any suggestions????

    OMG! I am new here and am glad I found it! I wait an hour after taking my synthroid (wtih water)...I knew not to take vitamins or antacids within 4 hrs of my pill but WOW...didn't know about the calcium or the fiber! I eat oatmeal with milk, or cereal with milk or an egg with toast and milk! wow...really need to figure something out! And what about green tea and carbs? These 2 things, especially the green tea, are like my addiction...
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Here's a recap -- some of us are more sensitive than others to these foods, but here's a general list of foods to avoid:
    - Anything with Soy
    - Anything with Calcium - (supplements, dairy) wait 4 hours before/after to take thyroid meds
    - Anything with Gluten - this is pretty much all grains except for rice and I think flax
    - Raw cruciferous veggies - broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, brussell sprouts, cabbage, kale, etc. -- they cause goiters!
    - steaming these veggies removes the harmful goiter stuff
    - - Strawberries and peaches -- they are goitogenic (can cause goiters)
    - Watch out for high iodine foods -- we get enough in our food usually, but kelp supplements and eating a lot of seafood can take the iodine too high, which can throw you into hyperthyroidism.

    I pretty much eat natural and organic foods. I have eliminated almost all packaged foods... definitely limits what you can eat, but we sure don't need the antibiotics and hormones that are in most meat and the pesticides on veggies/fruit.

    Read up about the "Dirty Dozen" (google it!) These are the 12 foods that are known to have the highest levels of pesticides, etc. Buy organic on these to avoid the addititves.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    -Thyroid medication does not get absorbed when calcium is consumed up to 4 hours of taking your pill (learned this one the hard way)

    Are you serious? Doctors have told me to wait for breakfast only 20 minutes after the pill....
    Who told you 4 hours?