Tips and Tricks



  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    I was told 4-6 hours, and no soy products either---- I found a helpful easy "get around" this (since I have to have calcium, my parathyroid glands were kicked around a bit during surgery) My hubs wakes me before he goes to work, and I swallow my T4 (aka synthroid with half glass of water), then pass back out - ha hypo and learning/getting the meds regulated is exhausting...

    My endo asks every time if I've been eating/taking calcium near my synthroid dosage ... apparently its super important.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    Still a fairly small group right now :) BUT is there anything you guys have found works best for you?

    I can share a few of the things Ive noticed

    -Eggs( or protein in general) are pretty much the only successful breakfast for me
    -Thyroid medication does not get absorbed when calcium is consumed up to 4 hours of taking your pill (learned this one the hard way)
    - Low carb diets seem most effective, but medium carb diets work best :) (aka, Im not about to cut out a good sandwhich, or some rice)
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
    I also find that higher protein helps... eggs for breakfast/tuna for lunch/chicken veggies for diner. what I do for snacks is fruit (carbs) but dang I miss my breads as well, and agree, no way am I going a lifetime without bad carbs. Any other tips you have would BE GREAT! I am considering going to a dietitian, if I can find one who specializes in Hypo patients... I always ate healthy prior to this... my parents are just diabetes/heart problem central, so I have always monitored my foods/ exercise levels... but wow ... phew... this condition is a mess on the diet... any bad things (i.e.: even one -two beers) can send me into a weight gain frenzy (e.g.: 8 lbs one night- on a ski trip after skiing all day... I mean come on LOL... that much exercise should counteract a couple beers...
  • seaglass2
    Great recap - thanks Terri!
  • sollyn
    sollyn Posts: 179
    Blimey<I havent been advised at all about that!
  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    I usually take my meds in the middle of the night when I get up to check the kids, let the dog out, go to the bathroom etc. But I don't always get up. I guess I will cut hte cream from my coffee in the morning. Really don't need the cals anyway. Everything on here to avoid is pretty much what I eat. fish, strawberries (really?), broc, caul, edimame, gluten. Yikes. What am I gong to eat? I guess the best approach is to remove one thing at a time to determine what I have intolerance to and what my system can handle.
  • blnorman29
    blnorman29 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all this information. I go in tomorrow to discuss treatment of my hypothyroidism with my doc, my lab work came back today and I have elevated thyroid levels. I've known for several years, but had no insurance, so I'm excited to finally start treatment. But I hope I can keep all the information straight on the foods/supplements everyone has listed.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    You know -- the thing with gluten, cruciferous veggies, calcium/dairy products, soy -- is that you probably won't "feel" very different -- I too ate all of these things for years while taking Synthroid and nothing bad happened.

    So, please don't panic!! It's just that these foods are known to have thyroid-suppressing qualities and can contribute to goiters. Since we are hypo, our thyroid is already depressed and it will have a tendency towards goiters... but doesn't mean for sure we will get a goiter if we eat these.

    I think if you are just aware of when you take your meds (and it's different for all of us) and don't eat anything that's high in calcium or fiber for 4 hours before/after you take your meds, that is a good start.

    Then work on gluten. If you are a bread or cereal lover and carbs don't make you fat, there are many delicious gluten-free products.

    Cruciferous veggies is easy -- you don't have to give them up! Just steam them, which gets rid of the goiterons or whatever that stuff is that causes goiters.

    Dairy is proving the hardest for me -- I have cheated a few times -- I miss my cheese and greek yogurt!! But I am a work in progress!
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Everything on here to avoid is pretty much what I eat. fish, strawberries (really?), broc, caul, edimame, gluten. Yikes. What am I gong to eat?

    Wait, why fish and strawberries? I knew about the calcium and the soy, but I've never heard of these two before...

    And, if there's just one thing I learned throughout this whole journey, it's just how important it is to have a good doctor. If he or she is treating a piece of paper also known as your labs instead of your symptoms, then you need a new doctor. And if he behaves like a jerk, then it doesn't matter if he's the best one in town, you still need a new one.
    The so-called best thyroid specialist in Paris gave me grief about being vegetarian. He never listened to what symptoms I had because I "would feel so much better if I'd just eat meat". Did I mention that he appeared to not know the difference between vegetarian and vegan?
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    just joined and have already LEARNED SO MUCH. and wow... i now know why i'm "so screwed up" i could and was eating BAGS of steamed edamame and butt loads of raw spiniach salad.

    I also have a goiter that is just small enough to not require surgery.

    Thank so much for all this great info. I'm currently on NO meds for this thyroid issue but I'm beginning to think I may need to make a new appt with my endo.

    They put me on oh crud.... my mind just went blank.. ( which is DOES OOOOOOOFFFFFTEN... ) i'll think of it eventually... but anyway.. it did NOTHING FOR ME and they stopped it and didn't do anything else about it.

    IT JUST CAME TO ME!!!!!! METFORMIN. it was to like jump start my "female parts" due to PCOS, but didn't do that job. Nuva ring ended up solving that problem.. but now that thing is reakin havoc on my body with migraines, joint pain, cramps, constipation.... blah blah blah i could go on and on...

    anyway I look forward to learning all i can and will share anything i can.

  • sollyn
    sollyn Posts: 179
    That all sounds familiar! Even the blank mind! Keep up with regular paracetomol for your aches and pains. You might find that your migraines etc will lessen too. Paracetamol can even out pain, but must be taken regularly to have any helpful effect with chronic pain. PSOD is soooo annoying too! I have had this since i can't remember. Maybe it all has some sort of link? between the two things?
    Obviously the weight issue is linked to thyroid, but it could also be related to PSOD. Along with other fun side effects!
    I hope you get some sort of relief and help soon.:flowerforyou:
  • sollyn
    sollyn Posts: 179
    Hi Sharon It's very nice to meet you too, I'm Niki. I have also learnt a lot on this forum. I had no idea there were so many of us out there!:flowerforyou:
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I took Metformin for several years because my Glucose levels were high. I found out that it blocks absorption of vitamins!! So I ended up with a B12 and a Vitamin D deficiency!! Geez... they give you stuff that can hurt you and they don't tell you what it can do. Then you feel crappy and you don't know why!!
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    I didn't know that about milk either. My doctor just said not to eat anything prior to an hour of taking the pill. I don't normally have milk in the morning unless it's with cereal but now I know to avoid it.

    I normally boil or poach two eggs the night before to have for breakfast the next morning. I have the eggs with 2 slices of Weight Watcher's whole wheat sliced bread, toasted.
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    i use Almond Breeze Coconut Milk only 45 cals and doesn't give me nearly as much trouble as any milk products!
  • Causin
    Causin Posts: 6 Member
    My doctor has me taking my thyroid meds at night, right before bed. This has helped me, since I don't have to avoid milk in the mornings the meds have all night while I am sleeping to do their work. Just food for thought.
  • jellybum
    jellybum Posts: 2
    Holy crap! I have Hashimoto's and been on levothyroxine for the last 8 years, and I never knew anything about dairy interfering with med absorption. Other than the standard take med with lots of water on an empty stomach and don't eat for an hour all this other info is news to me. Of course I've been eating Kashi with skim milk or oatmeal with skim milk within an hour of taking my meds. I'll be changing that routine now. Glad I stumbled upon this group!
  • Salanita
    Salanita Posts: 2
    I'm new to this website & group, I didn't know about the calcium/taking meds thing either. Might be the reason for me feeling crappy since being on Levothyroxine for the past 3 years!!! I'm going to try taking my meds before bed, to see if that helps matters, fingers crossed
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Ok, so just started taking the Vit D suppliments 3 weeks ago.....what time of day do you find better? I take them in the morning.....but also I tried looking for natural calm in trader joe's but didn't see it and i have the whole constipation issue, any other suggestions on how to fix it? I hate that I go one week losing .5lbs and than don't lose for tired of it all
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    My doc said nothing for two hours before or one hour after and at least four hours for some cholesterol lowering meds that are binder that work in the digestive system instead of the liver like Lipitor. Taking mine in the AM seems to work best for me with all the restrictions. I am going to ask about calcium at my next appointment.