SwingMamma Member


  • The first time I did the 30DS I gained at the beginning and then stopped weighing myself because I could FEEL the change and didn't want to get discouraged by the scale. To my surprise by level 3 I'd dropped 6lbs. I rarely weigh myself because for me I'm trying to focus on how working out makes me feel and encourages…
  • "I want you to feel like you are going to DIE!" and I respond panting..."as a matter of fact I DO!"
  • I have had severe a severe sinus infection and bronchitis since Thanksgiving day. I did try to get in a low-impact cardio workout on the days I feel ok but now my asthma has kicked in BIG TIME so working out is not an option. I figure I've got to be burning at least SOME calories from coughing non-stop, lol. I am now on my…
  • Hi I just finished my first round and like you didn't seem to notice much change...at first. I gained 3 lbs initially and then I lost those about week 2 then nothing. Finally, I stopped weighing myself (because I was getting discouraged). I just focused on the fact that I felt stronger and could do the moves a little…
  • You've got a choice, you know. Just because you've done something, doesn't mean you have to keep doing it. -Vesper Lynd (Casino Royale)