

  • Hi Eden! I am relatively new to this site but I have already lost 4st since March this year. I lost it really fast too but have now hit a plateau and lost virtually nothing (well a couple of pounds only) in a period of 2 months (August & Sept) so I definately need a kick up the... well, you know, to get me started and in…
  • Great, great, great post! I too am a beliver of this "recipie" for success in all areas of life but you said it so much better than I could have. Thanks for the inspiration!:smile:
  • Hi, I also just joined. I was using another free resource on the internet but found the myfitnesspal iphone app so fantastic that I am now switching to this. I started trying to lose weight in March this year and I've lost 30kg so far but still have lots to loose (that 30kg was just my pregnacy and after weight gain!). I…