jdelgadillo92 Member


  • i don't think you're pushing too hard, you might have shin splints. the muscles that pull your foot up and down are probably still getting used to a faster pace. i think it's just overall soreness from starting to run again because those were all the things i went through during track haha here's stretches for your shins:…
  • eating healthy and getting the ink sounds like the best option, it's only going to be the outline too so it probably won't take too long to heal. and it's not like i sweat buckets from my outer thigh anyway.. i'll just be a healthnut take care of it and do upper body work. (i can totally focus on getting a six pack!) and…
  • it's going to be maybe about 7 inches on my thigh, full aztec warrior, which cuts out running and cardio, and i can still lift wights, but i LOVE running haha i was just worried about sweat getting into it, i've heard that could mess it up, that and constant rubbing from my shorts..