I've just started this week on using my treadmill and trying to walk more overall, and what I can say is OUCH! I feel like my right buttock needs to be ripped off and my hip repositioned and my shins were screaming at me on the treadmill tonight (incline with a light jog.)
I think I must be doing something wrong....help!? What stretches could I do before, or after, OR is it that i'm just pushing too hard to fast?

I've got about 100 pounds to lose if that helps pin point what is off...:huh:


  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    You gotta work up to it. Build your endurance. drink plenty of water, it helps flush out the lactic acid from your cells
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    If you are just starting out on your journey, I would say that you are pushing yourself too hard. I did this and ended up injuring my knee - tendinitis and bone spurs. You do not want to be in this position as it makes life rather difficult (I look like an old woman when I walk...and I'm 31). Start by doing 15 minutes of really good stretching, do some walking (even fast walking) and then stretch afterwards. Work up to it. Jumping in will add stress to your body that it may not be able to handle right now. You don't have to run to lose weight.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    DO NOT staRT really fast star slow an work your way up
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Good for you fro starting!

    I'd suggest C25k as a guideline, and I know some people are insecure about it, but I'd suggest running outside. I've found it to be way better on my joints. It's also less boring.
  • jdelgadillo92
    jdelgadillo92 Posts: 4 Member
    i don't think you're pushing too hard, you might have shin splints. the muscles that pull your foot up and down are probably still getting used to a faster pace. i think it's just overall soreness from starting to run again because those were all the things i went through during track haha
    here's stretches for your shins:
    Stand with your heels together and toes pointed out. Slowly raise up onto your toes and lower yourself back down. Repeat 10 times.
    Stand with your big toes together and heels far apart. Slowly raise up onto your toes, then lower yourself back down. Repeat 10 times.
    you should stretch your leg muscles out before AND after. (touching toes and holding for ten, butterfly hold for ten) and make sure to warm up before you take your jog also to prevent uber tight muscles
    investing in some epsom salt would be good too! it works WONDERS for soreness:)
  • LolaVaantz
    LolaVaantz Posts: 74 Member
    Damn, it means my husband was right when I came limping away from the treadmill.....

    Sigh, I just see so many awesome folks rocking out major exercise logs and i'm basically feeling on the side lines in fitness land....but true bone spurs, pulled muscles, and general body disfunction is NOT the goal...

    Water (check), more stretching (check), NOW how do I make my damn *kitten* cheek stop hurting like my leg is trying to dig its way out of the hip socket?:noway:
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Damn, it means my husband was right when I came limping away from the treadmill.....

    Sigh, I just see so many awesome folks rocking out major exercise logs and i'm basically feeling on the side lines in fitness land....but true bone spurs, pulled muscles, and general body disfunction is NOT the goal...

    Water (check), more stretching (check), NOW how do I make my damn *kitten* cheek stop hurting like my leg is trying to dig its way out of the hip socket?:noway:

    Ice it, then soak in a warm bath and have that hubby of yours massage it. Fitness can lead to fun times ;)
  • FindingFit50s
    I still have about 150 pounds to lose, but I started 35 pounds ago trying to walk, too. I was doing 15-20 minutes around the track at the gym. I have really bad knees, and it was causing me quite a bit if pain, plus I really wasn't burning calories like I wanted to. I started using the elliptical crosstrainer. The first time I used it (before the walking) I was only able to go 3 minutes and I thought I was gonna pass out. After doing the walking for just twelve days, I was able to go ten minutes on the crosstrainer. It is WAY easier on my knees *and* I burn a lot more calories.

    After just a few weeks, I'm up to 25-30 minutes on the crosstrainer, then 15-20 minutes on a recumbent bike (also easier on the knees than standard bike) and then I follow that with circuits on the nautilus machines and/or standard weightlifting for 15-40 minutes. I'm burning normally about 800-1200 calories at each gym visit and I'm going 5-6 days a week.

    I hope this is helpful to you. Like others said, you have to start slow, but you'll build up pretty quick if you're consistent & diligent. If you don't have access to a gym, do the walking on a softer surface. The C25K program is awesome. Once I lose enough weight to make my knees more comfortable, I'd love to do it myself.

    Good luck!!
    ~ Lynn
  • FindingFit50s
    That *kitten* cheek pain.... if it extends down your leg at all, it could be sciatica -- pain caused from a disc in your back pressing on the sciatic nerve. It usually feels like it's right in your hip joint, and often down part of your thigh -- usually the back of the thigh. Sleeping in a different position can bring sone relief, but ultimately may require a visit to the doc.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Don't stretch completely cold muscles, you can just end up causing tears and more pain. Walk for 3-5 minutes first, then stop and do some stretches. After that you can do your run. Though, as folks said, don't push yourself too hard too fast, build up to where you want to be over time. Also, listen to your body, constantly. My guess is that some of that pain your described started while you were still running. When that happens, you need to learn to evaluate when it's something that you can work through during the run and come out feeling better on the other side or if it's something that you need to stop and let your body have the rest that it's telling you it wants/needs via the pain.

    My general rule is that if the pain doesn't subside within a couple of minutes, it's time to get off the treadmill and either try a different form of cardio for that night or to just call it a rest night. (mind you, I get on the elliptical and the bike and do the same judge on the pain if it's there, I don't just blindly do any of the options) If the pain is going to go away, you'll typically suddenly realize after awhile that you didn't even notice that the pain went away. If it's going to stick around, you'll know it.
  • LolaVaantz
    LolaVaantz Posts: 74 Member
    You guys are all fantastic, wonderful advice (including putting the hubby to "work" on that sore muscle). I'll keep a better eye on what i'm doing, do some good warm up, and vary what i'm up to to keep from agrivating any particular parts. Happy to say i'm not limping this morning, and my buttock is only slightly angry with me. I'm going to do a workout video today instead of the treadmill probably Yoga Booty Ballet (its sassy and fab.)

    Smooches to all, and let the good times roll!