Dawn, don't lose hope! I have similar stats and goals. I'm also 44. I'm 5'5 and 246#. I totally understand not wanting to go anywhere for fear of not fitting in the chair. My fear is not fitting in amusement park rides when I take my kids. I'm always the one sitting out :-(. I want to change that! I just started Contrave 2…
My barrier is fear of failing. If there's an exercise that's difficult for me to do, I begin to panic. But I have discovered that I can modify and still move. However, I can't help but feel inadequate at times when I see my peers pulling through a certain exercise that I experience difficulty with. I just have to remind…
I'm trying things I wouldn't normally do on my own. I have more energy, with the exception of yesterday and some today, but overall, my energy levels have spiked. I'm aware of what goes into my mouth. I'm serious about tracking every crumb. I want to succeed in this program and beyond.