heatherw_27 Member


  • I pre-log so I can be better prepared for the day :smiley: It helps me meal plan and not cheat.
  • Thanks Lemurcat. yes you are correct...it was before that I was not losing and I just started again a few days ago after learning how to eat clean (for the most part ;) ) I started at 141.6 on Monday and this morning I was at 140.0. Probably just water weight or regular fluctuation but I'll take it!!! lol
  • Thanks Lemurcat! That was so helpful! I did decide not to have a piece of fruit at lunch today because it put me over my sugar allowance for the day but I won't worry as much if it comes from healthy choices :) I appreciate your thoughful response. I think I need to be more aware of what happens at 4 weeks like you said…
  • it is interesting how everyone views sugar differently. I do not have any health problems and was tested for thyroid, etc. When I was younger sugar content did not matter. I was hoping this was the problem with me because otherwise my log it good :)
  • good idea MangoGirl! I will try that with the exercise!. I do have a scale so I can use that for liquid measures as well. I was using a tablespoon for Almond butter, etc and the scale for meats
  • I think about 3 months or so. It was about a year and a half ago. I only have 10 lbs that I want to lose.
  • Thanks LolBro!
  • Thanks MangoGirl. That is good to know about how many grams of sugar you had. There are so many articles out there about going too low and causing your body to hold onto weight if you go below 1200 calories that I thought maybe that was part of the problem :-/ I have a hard time accepting that I am logging wrong since I…
  • I am not really sure how to establish the maintenance level :-/ I just used the guided option. When I tried MFP in the past I know 1200 calories didn't work and a lot of day after working out my net calories were more like 1000. Running can be challenging to plan into the calorie allowance because I meet up with other…
  • I forgot to say Congratulations of your 5lb weight loss Blueberry! :)
  • Thanks Blueberry! Yes, it drives me crazy to be so on top of logging, creating recipes and being so diligent and seeing no results. that is why i gave up before. I measure everything. my poor husband let's me make my own plate because he knows I want to know exactly what I am eating. I am hoping this is the answer :) I…
  • how would you correct that? I did the guided one
  • I think it is open now.
  • how do I do that? I look under settings. I just started over on Monday and this time I was more accurate about my job and my base calories are now 1300 or so. I work in health care so I am up and on my feet all day. Today if looks like I am over but I haven't gone for my run yet. I will be doing that after work tonight.…
  • Lolbro I have always thought it was bad to go below 1200 calories. I was not above my calorie allowance so I am a little confused.
  • whoops I wrote a word that I didn't realize would be blocked. I replace it with meticulous
  • Thanks spingirl! yes it is. Everything seems to have sugar in it even if you wouldn't think it would...lol thanks for responding paperpudding. My calorie allowance was 1200 and I was very anal about logging everything. I also have a garmin running watch that calculates my calories by gps, age, height, weight, HR and pace…
  • Hi Yarwell, I'm not sure about other devices but the Garmin seems to ask for so much personal data I would tend to think it is as accurate as you can get. I know even for the same 10 miles my friends always burn less or more calories than me since we are all different sizes and shapes. Thanks for your help :)
  • Thanks for responding Cari4jc. I didn't know that about the water but I think that may have happened to me. I took off a lot of days from running last week because of plantar fasciitis and like you said I lost weight and was eating exactly the same. That was when I started me thinking maybe I was working out too much…
  • Sorry you are so frustrated. I have been there in the past when I was receiving so much contradictory information that I felt overwhelmed. I hope you are feeling better and I hope that venting helped :) I know it helps me to vent. Best of luck to you :)
  • Hi Yarwell, Thanks for responding :) Sorry I should have pointed out that I am under eating for myfitnesspal. I am eating the same foods I was when I was on the points system and just plugging my foods into myfitnesspal. It seems I am always under for calories and way under for fat. I don't think I am overestimating my…