

  • Weigh yourself at the same time and day every week and use the same scales. E.g. Every Saturday? And more or less the same time in the morning when you wake up.
  • I'd also like to add something. If you've lost quite a bit of weight and your not lifting weights, then you may want to lift weights to help boost weight loss. Because as you lose weight some of it is muscle, and the more muscle you lose the less calories you burn I've heard. I'm no expert either but this is what I've…
  • Hi there I thought that the min amount if calories to consume is 1200? Any less and you won't lose weight. I didn't think 1500 was that low.
  • Thanks for the replies. So should I give it another week and see what happens? The reason I'm so desperate is because I suffer from sleep apnoea. It's mild/moderate and I'm still waiting to see the hospital. So if I lose enough weight my apnoea will improve.
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