

  • Aimee - I have same issue at work - no "video/streaming" sites allowed. I usually google something I don't recognize, and as often as not there's an or some exercise site that has photo step by steps, and I don't have to go via YouTube. Hope this helps!
  • Joined Mini Challengers Aug 1. SW: 229 Last weigh-in 2 weeks ago: 227 Current Weight: 225 I was feeling discouraged recently. Eating salads every day, and feeling hungry all the time, and still not feeling like I was making progress. Had a few bad calorie days, and work's been so busy my processed food/sodium intake has…
  • Thanks everyone for the suggestions. As soon as we get through the Costco vitamin bottle, I'll switch to prenatals - not a bad thing to start anyway, since I'm hoping to get pregnant in the next year or so. :love: May get an iron supplement in the meantime, though. Kristen - didn't realize my diary wasn't set to view by…
  • Thanks for starting the challenges list, Kristen! And thanks for starting a group - easier to post, and find updated lists. What's the link to the group, so we all find the right one?
  • I'm in - put them on my google calendar, since MFP mobile doesn't let you check message boards. Thanks for posting several days' worth in advance for those of us mainly using the mobile app! SW: 230 - after 2 week vacation where I didn't log food, and didn't gain a pound back. Want to lose another 75#!
  • Just getting back on the wagon, need ideas for helping my bad habits - I'm in, and please keep them up!
  • By the time I add in the 3 Tbsp flavored creamer I like, I'm already past my allotment of sugar for the DAY. Solution I've found - fat free half & half (doesn't give that watery color that skim milk does, and tastes rich), 3 splenda, and some ground cinnamon. 45 calories, almost no sugar. Other options I've enjoyed:…