Coffe Creamer



  • deewildwoman
    deewildwoman Posts: 120 Member
    I wonder if the Silk and/or Almond Milk would have the same effect as the creamer. The only reason I use the creamer or milk in my coffee is to stop the heart burn. I love coffee, but thought I would have to give it up becuase of that side effect...until someone told me to start using creamer. Works like a charm. Guess I will have to try the Silk and see if it cuts the heart burn like regular creamer.
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    Oooooh man I love flavoured coffee creamers, especially this time of year when all the seasonals are coming out (Pumpkin Pie Spice, Gingerbread Latte, Vanilla Spiced rum.../cry) . Before I started recording everything I take in, I had no clue that I was taking in 400-500 calories every freaking day from my coffee alone (I looove coffee, with Tons of creamer).

    Now, when I just can't say no to them, I treat it as a dessert, and I'll mix half the amount of the creamer that I want with an equal part of fat-free half&half. Still not the best thing in the world for me, but I love it, and I'm willing to compromise.
  • cardswimmom
    Maybe you should switch to tea? If you use that much flavored creamer I don't think you actually like coffee.

    Exactly what I was thinking :drinker:
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Find a good low calorie substitute. I use whole milk (1 cup to 1 cup of coffee) and flavored stevia, either chocolate, vanilla or hazelnut. I like to flavor my coffee too.

  • ginandtonica
    ginandtonica Posts: 54 Member
    After joining MFP I decided to give up creamer. The sugar free is not much better than the regular stuff, calorie wise, and none of it is good for you! I would WAY rather have those calories as food, I am a hungry girl and those extra calories can fill me up as a snack later on. Maybe try a flavored coffee w fat free half and half (even though it is bad too) to start to wean yourself off. I also found that now if I "treat" myself with some flavored creamer I find it way too sweet and that it leaves a gross taste in my mouth. Yay for that you know what you are putting in that coffee very morning you will at least be making a choice rather than just mindlessly consuming. Whatever you come up with, good for you...knowledge is power!
  • Firefighter_Ray
    Firefighter_Ray Posts: 53 Member
    Hi my name is Ray and I am a creamaholic...using 10 of those little cup things a day isn't unusual for me. I have only had 3 today and just did my first protein shake, and I must say it's not really doing it for me. I am going to go look for a coffee flavored shake mix today. Any suggestions feel free to message me...Thanks!
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    I love my coffee creamer!! I have to have my coffee in the mornings. I use alot of creamer used to but now I measure it atleast 2 tbls of it. I am glad I found this site to help me! I never realize how much sugar is in the creamers but like the others say becareful with sugar free creamers.
  • meganiross
    By the time I add in the 3 Tbsp flavored creamer I like, I'm already past my allotment of sugar for the DAY. Solution I've found - fat free half & half (doesn't give that watery color that skim milk does, and tastes rich), 3 splenda, and some ground cinnamon. 45 calories, almost no sugar.

    Other options I've enjoyed:
    Seasonal coconut milk flavors. SoyDelicious makes a mint-chocolate coconut milk that's fabulous, and 6g sugar in HALF a CUP - so you can put 1/4 cup in for 3g sugar, 1.25g fat, and 25 calories. 8 tubs of creamer is about 8 Tbsp, so actually you're putting half a cup into your coffee. Careful though - their coconut nog flavor is about double those stats.

    Sugar free syrups - I've found versions at my local TJ Maxx/Marshall's stores for around $5 per bottle, and they last a LONG time. I haven't brought those to work, though, because they disappear too fast. My coworkers are wierded out by my coconut/soy options, so those stay in breakroom unmolested. ;-)
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I used to be a die-hard coffee additive fanatic. 3tbsp sugar, a ton of flavored creamer, and maybe 6oz of actual coffee in my mug. It got to the point if I wanted to lose weight, all I had to do was stop drinking coffee in the morning.

    Not so anymore. I switched to 2-3 packets of Truvia (or another no-cal sweetner) instead of sugar and I measure out 1tbsp of regular fancy flavored creamer - I'm currently trying Cinnabun and Cinnamon Vanilla. Oddly enough, this is all I need to get the creamy sweetness I love and it is only 35 calories.
  • tdoerr2
    Thank You for all the great suggestions!!! I get teased about my creamer habit. The coffee flavor still comes through all that creamer flavor. I can drink it without so much creamer but I love the flavors. Until I started logging everything I didn't realize the calorie content.

    I am going to try some of the suggestions given here.

    Thanks Again
  • noturninback
    noturninback Posts: 96 Member
    I love me some coffee!! :happy: I also love it with sugar free hazelnut creamer!! I've thought about cutting back on my coffee to every other day and on the off days drinking tea, hasn't happened yet!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I like getting the flavored coffee blends from Dunkin Donuts or 8 OClock Coffee, then adding 1-2 TBSP half & half and stevia. Works out to 20 calories per tablespoon of creamer, I use 1 tablespoon per 8 ounces of coffee.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    2% milk works for me, with some sweetner. i'd suggest tea as well. lots of flavors, no calories, and you can add a bit of milk to lighten. 240 calories is almost as much as a venti nonfat pumpkin spice latte from starbucks. (8 creamers is a lot!)
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    By the time I add in the 3 Tbsp flavored creamer I like, I'm already past my allotment of sugar for the DAY. Solution I've found - fat free half & half (doesn't give that watery color that skim milk does, and tastes rich), 3 splenda, and some ground cinnamon. 45 calories, almost no sugar.

    Other options I've enjoyed:
    Seasonal coconut milk flavors. SoyDelicious makes a mint-chocolate coconut milk that's fabulous, and 6g sugar in HALF a CUP - so you can put 1/4 cup in for 3g sugar, 1.25g fat, and 25 calories. 8 tubs of creamer is about 8 Tbsp, so actually you're putting half a cup into your coffee. Careful though - their coconut nog flavor is about double those stats.

    Sugar free syrups - I've found versions at my local TJ Maxx/Marshall's stores for around $5 per bottle, and they last a LONG time. I haven't brought those to work, though, because they disappear too fast. My coworkers are wierded out by my coconut/soy options, so those stay in breakroom unmolested. ;-)

    question: just how coconutty does the coconut milk taste, though? i hate coconut. but i'm wondering if the flavors negate the coconut taste. does that make sense?
  • gg24
    gg24 Posts: 58
    By the time I add in the 3 Tbsp flavored creamer I like, I'm already past my allotment of sugar for the DAY. Solution I've found - fat free half & half (doesn't give that watery color that skim milk does, and tastes rich), 3 splenda, and some ground cinnamon. 45 calories, almost no sugar.

    Other options I've enjoyed:
    Seasonal coconut milk flavors. SoyDelicious makes a mint-chocolate coconut milk that's fabulous, and 6g sugar in HALF a CUP - so you can put 1/4 cup in for 3g sugar, 1.25g fat, and 25 calories. 8 tubs of creamer is about 8 Tbsp, so actually you're putting half a cup into your coffee. Careful though - their coconut nog flavor is about double those stats.

    Sugar free syrups - I've found versions at my local TJ Maxx/Marshall's stores for around $5 per bottle, and they last a LONG time. I haven't brought those to work, though, because they disappear too fast. My coworkers are wierded out by my coconut/soy options, so those stay in breakroom unmolested. ;-)

    question: just how coconutty does the coconut milk taste, though? i hate coconut. but i'm wondering if the flavors negate the coconut taste. does that make sense?

    I haven't noticed the flavor being strong. It is different than milk but I like it better than the almond milk, especially for coffee. I can't do the soy as soy is bad for those of us with thyroid problems. The vanilla coconut is pretty good but it does have some sugar in it.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I too was a "light and sweet" coffee drinker... and when I did WWs 10 years ago I stopped drinking coffee because I couldn't stand it black... I tried.

    Now, I put a dollop of Unsweetened Almond Silk or Blue Diamond Unsweetened Almond Milk into my coffee and I use one truvia... or 1 tsp. of sugar. It is definitely not as good as I would like, but it does the trick and I don't have to give up my coffee.

    Fall - pumpkin - I've picked up a Pumpkin Spice creamer and I use one Tblsp. for 35 calories in each cup... but I'm not liking that I have 70 (sometimes 105) calories per breakfast just to indulge myself... so I'm looking into making my own with the Almond Silk - or finding the pumpkin flavored silk somewhere.

    Otherwise I'll just give up coffee again. I can drink tea black (and, really really good coffee I can actually drink black - but I can't seem to make such great coffee)!