

  • You don't need to eat them back when you are trying to lose weight, your intake is to stop your body from thinking it is starving, plus the essential vitamins and protein. You don't want your body taking muscle mass to convert fat, the nutrition guide is very cool in that way if you notice, the protein requirements go up…
  • I hear if you get HCG injections, for a few weeks after the surgery you won't feel like you are starving to death during the liquid diet portion of the recovery. This is a bold and somewhat brave step you are making, I hope you make the most out of it.
  • Just remember you are working towards modifying your behavior, which doesn't happen overnight. May I suggest, the following: 1) Walking start at 20 minutes and work your way up to 45, this gives you time to think about your goal and or clears your head. If you can't get outside (it get to about 1,000 degrees where I live…
  • Hi, I have had both the trainers and the flip flops, I used the trainer when I was starting last June. My weight at the time was 330 and I was doing a 3 mile outdoor walk every day at work. My regular walking shoes were ok but my knees and back were hurting. I got these because they seem to make me balance better and…