Need support

anniebananie89 Posts: 10
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I just started really using this site although I signed up weeks ago. but after signing up I gained five pounds ( bad pounds) but have been doing ok for the past two days. I just want to make sure that I don't revert back to my tradition cycle of losing 5 lbs then going crazy and gaining it all back. Im 22...full time student....full time job....and I am engaged and I just need support and help in finding tricks to help me stay on task.



  • oheatheroh
    oheatheroh Posts: 15 Member
    I understand completely! I do the same and my birthday is Friday and I want to enjoy it and by that I mean eating! I just joined yesterday and so far I love it here. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can help each other.
  • Thanx
  • pchatelle
    pchatelle Posts: 10
    Just remember you are working towards modifying your behavior, which doesn't happen overnight. May I suggest, the following:
    1) Walking start at 20 minutes and work your way up to 45, this gives you time to think about your goal and or clears your head. If you can't get outside (it get to about 1,000 degrees where I live during the summer), find a place with a treadmill or some other walker, it's important to think on your goals and walking provides the time (I would suggest no music). Oh and get decent shoes, but don't let not having them prevent you from starting.
    2) Get a good digital scale, weigh yourself at the same time with the same clothes on, a lot of people say only do it once a week, I disagree I think every day when I get up (after using the restroom) is a daily reminder of what I am trying to do. Just remember you can gain water weight from salty food fast and it goes away fast too, don't let setbacks make you spiral out of control.
    3) Get enough protein in your diet, real hard to lose weight without the protein.
    4) Don't skip meals, now this doesn't mean don't reduce them on occasion.
    5) Avoid starvation mode, this is a major pain and comes from skipping meals.
    6) Plateaus suck, and will be encountered, this is a fight between your brain and the rest of your body, just because it is bigger doesn't mean it has to win... :)
    7) Come up with some recipes you enjoy.
    8) Remember this is for you, not to get anyones attention or praise, if you remember that when you do get those things you will stay aware of your body's needs and continue.

    I wish I would have taken this seriously at your age, and I would wish you good luck, but luck has nothing to do with it.
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    Just remember you are working towards modifying your behavior, which doesn't happen overnight. May I suggest, the following:
    1) Walking start at 20 minutes and work your way up to 45, this gives you time to think about your goal and or clears your head. If you can't get outside (it get to about 1,000 degrees where I live during the summer), find a place with a treadmill or some other walker, it's important to think on your goals and walking provides the time (I would suggest no music). Oh and get decent shoes, but don't let not having them prevent you from starting.
    2) Get a good digital scale, weigh yourself at the same time with the same clothes on, a lot of people say only do it once a week, I disagree I think everyday when I get up (after using the restroom) is a daily reminder of what I am trying to do. Just remember you can gain water weight from salty food fast and it goes away fast too, don't let set backs make you spiral out of control.
    3) Get enough protein in your diet, real hard to lose weight without the protein.
    4) Don't skip meals, now this doesn't mean don't reduce them on occasion.
    5) Avoid starvation mode, this is a major pain and comes from skipping meals.
    6) Plateaus suck, and will be encountered, this is a fight between your brain and the rest of your body, just because it is bigger doesn't mean it has to win... :)
    7) Come up with some recipes you enjoy.
    8) Remember this is for you not to get anyones attention or praise, if you remember that when you do get those things you will stay aware of your body's needs and continue.

    I wish I would have taken this seriously at your age, and I would wish you good luck, but luck has nothing to do with it.

    Some very good advice here. The biggest obstacle is getting in the right state of mind to embark on this change. Don't let short term successes or setbacks get yourself off track. One week is too short a period to measure anytthing. If you want you can transform life in a short period of time - the site is full of people who have been there and you can lean on for support. Who do you want to be a month from now? Now commit yourself for the next 30 days to become that person. SSG.
  • thanx for the advice, it is very helpful
  • ck163044
    ck163044 Posts: 5
    Don't give up.... You will not see dramatic weight loss in a short period of time with this; it is a life style change. It does take time for your body to adjust. You will see weight fluctuation and you will plateau often. Keep at it I know how you feel. I love food and it has been difficult. It is still difficult. Keep it up. With some sacrifice and hard work you will see results. :happy:
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