

  • I'm slightly struggling at the moment thought because I can't work out like I used to. My downstairs neighbor started complaining, so I'm waiting to see if I can transfer to a lower level apartment. Then I ended up getting diagnosed with gout of all things! If all of that wasn't enough, I have horrible congestion and…
  • What keeps me going is to have a cheat meal once a week. If I didn't do that, I'd fall off the wagon.
  • Nice work!
  • Just had Bison for the first time. Loved it!
  • I went out with my girls tonight, but was very good! Didn't drink nearly as much as I used to. :)
  • I don't follow an exact nutrition regimen, just keep track of my calories. I've been doing TurboFire and Chalean Extreme exercise programs since September and have already lost 35 pounds! I want to loose about 20 more. Soon I would to switch to a cleaner/organic, healthier diet. I've already started drinking Shakeology…