Does Insanity work?

Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
These results are from slightly more than a two week gap but, here goes......

The 1st number was for 1st test and 2nd set today

Fit Test results:-
Switch Kicks - 76 Kicks - 105 kicks

Power Jacks - 40 Jacks - 54 jacks

Power Knees - 72 knees - 103 knees

Power Jumps - 23 jumps - 42 jumps

Globe Jumps - 12 jumps - 11 jumps

Suicide jumps - 11 jumps - 14 jumps

Push up Jacks - 13 jacks - 18 jacks

Low Plank Oblique - 38 reps - 55 reps

Apart from the Globe Jumps (no idea what happened there), i'm happy with that....


  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    you know how many push-up jacks i could do?
    ZERO *laughs*
    sad, but true.

    about your globe jumps... you probably executed them with better form and accuracy. which is a major plus.
  • sparkfly77
    sparkfly77 Posts: 7
    Nice work!
  • JessMatts21
    "Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. " Khalil Gibran. Even the smallest improvement is good progress!