Sparketta Member


  • There is a link between gluten and rheumatoid arthritis... as long as I stay away from all gluten, I don't have swelling and pain in my knees and ankles!
  • If you've taken Advil or Aleve, that can cause water retention as well. Feel better soon!
  • You are definitely not fat. If you are also working your abs, especially obliques, that can quickly add inches to your waist. (It happened to me too). It's not fat, it is muscle. Lifting heavy also requires you to have a strong core, which can result in a "thicker" waist. Lower back muscles contributes as well. You looked…
  • I know the numbers aren't an exact science... but maybe you want to change your "research model" on the scooby site to "Mifflin-St Jeor", as opposed to the Harris-Benedict model. From the scooby site: "For example, two of the most commonly used equations come from the research done by Harris-Benedict in 1919 or Mifflin-St…