

  • I would for sure move to Seattle! I love the ocean and I love that Seattle is a huge place for new music.
  • I'm not currently at school right now, but I was very recently at Ferris State University and my heart is still there. (:
  • Oh dear, yeah, this is definitely not a pattern-type situation. This is a first and only time deal. My mom has gotten herself into these situations millions of times, and I know better than to fall into it as a constant thing. The sad thing, is that I couldn't get another part time job even if I wanted to. I just don't…
  • In Michigan, you can definitely get food stamps as a student if you don't live on campus. Which I would be unable to do given that I have dogs. Even if my schooling is completely free, that doesn't affect anything else. The ONLY other things that financial aid helps with paying for are travel expenses, school supplies, and…
  • Because as I have said, I currently work at McDonald's, and I make less than 500 a month. I also have two dogs (they're not expensive to take care of but I don't want to put them in any dire situations). If I ended the relationship right now, I would lose my home and my job. I would end up back in Michigan, and could get a…
  • When this relationship is over, I plan on going back to school part time. I know I could get food stamps, but I don't know about cash assistance? Is that something that's allowed if you're going to school? I don't know.
  • Thank you for your kind words! I'm actually the budgeter in my current relationship, so I'm pretty good with money. My current phone has another year and a half left in its contract, so the deal is that I pay half the phone bill until the contract runs out, and then I'm gonna do something a lot cheaper, since Verizon is…
  • Right now, I'm still in NYS, and I'm not a resident, so I don't qualify here. I plan on going back to Michigan to go back to school, so when I'm there, I will definitely apply.
  • I'm doing my best to meet a 1580 net calorie limit but sometimes I go a wee bit over (and sometimes I go over in sodium but everything else is usually fine). I also plan on replacing my starchy pasta with whole grain pasta (even though it doesn't taste all that great).
  • I feel like that could be doable. I actually opt for the grilled premium chicken sammiches with a fruit and yogurt parfait (no granola) and a small Sprite or Coke Zero.
  • This is the comment I was responding to. My bad.
  • lol, but why do we need to gauge approval of a body shape by whether or not a guy is going to find it attractive? If a woman feels sexy at a size 2 or a size 22, it's up to the woman. Who cares if certain guys might find that attractive?