isa75 Member


  • Thanks!
  • Thanks I'll check it out.
  • Yes, thanks, I was thinking along those lines. I've already bought her a few healthy eating cookbooks that I found at a books sale. I guess I was just hoping for some specific titles that people like since there are a thousand options out there.
  • Same for me, I have even copied a few success stories to forward to her to read when the time is right. I've signed her up for this site, but I can't physically make her log in or drag her here to read anything. I figure dropping a book on her lap while she is trapped in bed might work.
  • 500 calories burned (will probably drink it all back tonight) 2 mile run including my nemesis hill 500 stairs 150 kicks 80 squats (no weights) 10 push ups More of the same next year, hoping that the run can get up to 3 miles (with the hill).
  • Follow your instincts, don't listen to mom or dad.
  • Deleted.
  • Great one!
  • He he. Thanks :o)
    in Puns.... Comment by isa75 August 2012
  • Add me if you'd like. I started before I went on vacation, but it has been a while. I am hoping to re-start this week.
  • I think you can pretty much put whatever you want in. Skip the bread if you don't want it. Use whatever egg part you want. I don't use bread and use a whole egg. I have also been known not to bother with egg. It may fall apart a little easier, but is still tastes great. You could also add cheese as a binder if you want.
  • That right there is such incredible BS and obviously just trying to sell you time with a personal trainer. Personal trainer is a good idea for a lot of people, but that reason above really ticks me off. Check out the NROL4W groups or the Strength Training for women group.
  • Excellent and inspiring, love it. Congratulations!
  • No peppermint patties in UK? I'm so so sorry... Addicted to corn tortillas and dystopian novels and movies.
  • Not sure. when I started I just grabbed 5lbs/hand and started from there. No magic place to start, just start out somewhere comfortable and make sure your form is correct so you don't hurt yourself. Are you doing any program, or just grabbing some weights and getting to it? There are a few sites listed on here that people…
  • Thanks guys! fattybumbum20: Part of the reason I looked for a deadlift modification is it would mean waiting around way to long to use the oly bar. Very rarely is there not a wait, and then half the time some idiot leaves it racked very heavy. Annoying. I have noticed more and more women showing up to use this part of the…
    in Stage 1 Comment by isa75 June 2012
  • Excellent work and gains!
    in Stage 1 Comment by isa75 June 2012
  • Huh, didn't know about the morning vs. evening thing. Interesting. I will stick to mornings though, or it just won't get done.
    in Stage 1 Comment by isa75 June 2012
  • Done with stage 1. I was going to keep going with some extra WOs until I leave on vacation next week, but then I tumbled in my garden yesterday and landed on my shoulder. So revised plan is to quit while I am ahead and heal, heal, heal (nothing broken, but gosh I'm sore). Stats: GW: 135 SW: 172 CW: 167 lbs I think I lost 2…
    in Stage 1 Comment by isa75 June 2012
  • Decadent: a little molasses, I don't have a recipe, but I've had it this way at a restaurant. At home I usually roast with garlic, olive oil, and pepper.
  • I think there is more than one way to skin a cat. It sounds like you are getting some great work outs, and mixing it up to keep it entertaining. Agree that, no you are no longer doing the plan as described and since not lifting with weights, it will probably take longer for you to be lifting heavy heavy, but I guess if…
  • Just started Insanity yesterday as I finish up my stage 1 of NROLFW. It kicked my butt, love it. It will be interesting to see how this goes...
  • I have a minor goal I am training for: a volunteer/vacation trip that is coming up (2 wks to go) doing weight lifting to be able to actually lift heavy, and cardio so I am not too exhausted at end of the days work. My ultimate goal is get healthier, feel fitter, be able to lift heavier and slim down. My boyfriend and I…
  • Yay, great job!
  • Tell the gym to get one, at least the aerobic steps. You are paying to go there, and a place to do step ups is a pretty basic piece of equipment.
  • This whole thread feels like an innuendo. Hardwood. It's cleaner.
  • Yeah, I am a bit surprised at such a big difference with only a few years age difference, but I am eating maintenance because the amounts they had for fat cutting were just too low (~1350/1650). I have seen fat loss/muscle gain at maintenance calorie levels, not as fast as I would like, but I was barely functional at the…
  • Could be age difference and weight difference? Out of curiosity I just went back and plugged in your age and it had calories closer to what you describe. Only a few year age difference but I guess that is one of the joys of getting older!
  • Bicycles and camping gear. Garage is small, even for my vw golf, it fits, but not easily.